Clevver, a News Company Working up to its Name

JSC 224 class blog
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2018

The company which I have chosen to follow is an online media/news company known as Clevver. It is proclaimed to be the number one source of pop culture, entertainment, celebrity news, interviews, and more.

After following the company on three different platforms, YouTube, twitter, and Instagram, I discovered a few strategies used to sync their different platforms together, and create quality content for their audience.

YouTube is their main platform, it is divided into three main sections (Clevver style, Clevver news, and ClevverTV) so it’s easier for users to navigate and the genre of videos they prefer. Between its three channels, it has a total of 8.8 million subscribers on YouTube.

They use other platforms such as twitter (219.5k followers) and Instagram (281k followers) to market their content using fun displays and headlines to attract their audience.

The audience they try to reach are mostly the millennials worldwide, whom are interested in pop culture, celebrity news such as the Kardashians and rapper Cardi B, and the latest trends on the internet from fashion to internet challenges.

I chose this program due to the fact that I have been following them for years and the technique they use to keep their audience entertained as well as informed is interesting. their program is very interactive with the audience and despite being as professional as other programs, it still manages to create a close relationship with their audience where they can relate to them on different levels. Their hosts for example are not the typical news hosts, their clothes, and their language speaks to their audience making their platform incredibly tailored and specific to them.

In a world where social media has become the mother of all forms of communication, platforms such as YouTube have grown to hold exactly 1,300,000,000 users today. Therefore, audio and videos are one of the main elements users seek information through.

Consequently, the content which Clevver uses is strongly based on videos, either scripted such as “3 types of girls stuck in traffic” or unscripted and vlog like videos.

Those types are mainly to inform and entertain and make their audience more interested in their channel. Other than that, according to Social Media Strategy, they offer news and information, events analysis and covering, and people (chapter 8-table 8.1). These types of content are portrayed differently on the three platforms

They mostly use pictures and text on twitter and Instagram mainly to attract their audience to their YouTube channel using attractive headlines and pictures with celebrities, or them promoting big events, and teasers of their videos are put on Instagram and twitter.

The hosts such as lily Martson and Joslyn Davis keep take every day selfies either on set or with celebrities as a way to create a chill relationship with their audience and to get them more engaged with their daily process.

After every video or between a few posts they call their audience to comment and give their opinion on the video’s content such as news, fashion patrol, etc…This allows them to do their job and keep a very close and relatable relationship with their audience so they can learn more about them and shift their content with respect to what they want.

There is not much difference between the different platforms. Clever uses twitter and Instagram as the main instruments to reach out to their audience and get them to click on their YouTube channel, where they also religiously practice collaborating with their users in the comment section, and through the like and dislike buttons.

Although it is obvious that the followers on twitter and Instagram are much less than that on YouTube, this shows that their exposure on these apps is not as much as their mere presence on YouTube.

The use of hashtags varies between posts, some lack the hashtags for celebrities or events which can get them way more traffic, meanwhile others are better. Instagram is mainly the platform they use to keep their followers with them and their hashtags are a lot and specific for their posts.

in genereal this company creates the perfect balance between informing and entertaining, it uses youtube as its main platform which is very clever of them, due to the fact that youtube has grown to be an empire with usears all over the world. therefore their content has grown to reach different parts of the world.

