In order to reach the highest amount of audience for the show,

Tala Ramadan
JSC 224 class blog
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2016

I am going to use 3 different channels that I find most useful. Snapchat since it is a good platform to share a 10 seconds video that could be a teaser or a picture of behind the scenes stage preparation or any instant snap that would intrigue the audience’s curiosity. Another channel, is going to be Facebook. Since this platform is particularly good to reach more people through the share button that could be hit by some followers and thus it will reach their friends and make the engagement circle bigger. Not only through the share button, but it could simply boost the number of audience/followers by the page that would be created and the content would be rich with sentences, videos, or any teaser to bring in more people to the page. Twitter is a very important channel since it is very instantaneous, and with the use of particular hashtags that would contain the topic of the show, the show could possibly reach international viewers, and engage with their comments and feedbacks.

On another note, every channel will include the other handles’ accounts so that the audience could get all the teasers put on all the channels.

As for the twitter list, I have created a list on my Twitter account and it includes bloggers, people who are influencers in the field of body image, famous magazines that are targeting women.

The 3 influencers I have chosen in order for them to boost the promotion of our show are:

1- Rita Dahdah: she is a blogger, not only known for her sense of style, but people are often influenced by her “outside the box” thoughts and down to earth character and her conviction that people should stay natural and not tailor themselves to fit society.

2- Lana El Sahely: another well known blogger who is always encouraging everyone to stay healthy, yet they do not have to be extremist in doing so. (also, this particular blogger is a very helpful person since she does a shoutout every time she is asked for it)

3- Finally, my friends own a page on Instagram where they are followed by many Lebanese people, the page is called “thefoodcrit”, the 3 owners are food bloggers who are well known for their engagement in every conference, or event made in the social Lebanese circle.


