Share Your Hair

Rouba Tamim
JSC 224 class blog
Published in
5 min readNov 11, 2018

The event we chose was Share Your Hair, organized by L.I.P.S that took place in Sin el Fill in Hilton Beirut Habtour Grand Hotel from 15 until 17 October during the “Designers &Brands” event. To starts, we created a twitter account under the name @nalaroubajsc244 where we included all our tweets related to the event. The event was in collaboration with @schwarzkopfpro.lebanon and organized by @lipsmanagement. Our audience was every cancer patient, especially breast cancer patients and adolescent or younger girls who can donate their hair.

In Researching social accounts hashtags relevant to our event, we used Google+/Explore. It helped us find the trendiest hashtags for our topic. The hashtags on Google+ are time-sensitive, they are updated every day in order to give the trendiest ones used. In addition, we used all the hashtags presented on the event’s poster that was shared on social media.

The next step was researching our audience. We relayed on targeting people who are interested in donating hair for cancer patient or give attention in general to this disease or have the will to help the patients. What we missed was focusing to other important elements which are the gender and the location. Since our event was a hair donation event that focused mainly on targeting people who would join the event to donate hair for cancer patients, our focus firstly should have been on woman from all different ages. Also, we should have include the hashtag #lebanon since this is where the event will take place.

Our focused event “SHARE YOUR HAIR” was part of the “Designers & Brand” event as it was mentioned in the poster that we found or For that, we contacted the on their phone number and asked for the contact number of the organizers of our chosen event. As we reached the organizers, we took the permission to cover the event by explaining the reason behind our coverage of this event.

After going through the whole required process from researching hashtags to researching the audience, we based our hashtags on what we found on Google+ and on the target audience we found. In addition, we added the necessary hashtags for the names of all the organizations organizing or collaborating in this event.

Since the event was in Beirut, we wanted to address our tweets to everyone who lives in Lebanon and can come and donate their hair. The most interesting thing to them is that they can help patients and make them feel better by only cutting their hair and by doing it without any cost by professional hairdressers. The event was open to everyone, we did not struggle to get permissions to attend and to cover the event, on the contrary, they felt overwhelmed and appreciated what we were doing even though it was only for an assignment. The hashtag that they had going on during the event were two: #dandblbXlbcf and #shareyourhair, but we wanted t oadd more so we could reach more people so we added some hashtags like, #lebanesebreastcancerfoundation #cancer #donatehair #donate #cancersurvivors. We thought that these are the most related hashtag to our coverage that might reach the audience that we needed the most on twitter. Before going to the event, we started researching about the event and about “about L.I.P.S agency that did the Designers &Brands event that included Share your Hair, we found their page on Facebook and contacted them to know more about the event and if we can cover it and to know our surroundings and how to deal with the event. For our work plan, we first agreed to go on Wednesday, October 17 from 5PM untill 7:30PM and we decided every now and then we tweet the major things that happens during the event. Before going to the event, we announced that we are going to cover it including the hashtags that we were going to use for this event. We are two in the group, one was tweeting and the other was checking what was going on and who is coming to the event so we could tweet about it.

The tweets that includes pictures and that talk about known people attending the event are the ones that had the most impressions and engagements on our account. The first one reaching

194 impressions and 9 engagements, the highest between all tweets, is about selling t-shirts at the event. The second and third with 173 and 143 impressions, and with six and four engagement are about known people attending the event. Finally, the last one is about the running time of the event and until when it is going to stay, has 93 impressions and 4 engagements. People liked mostly the tweets that has pictures since it’s easier for them to understand what’s happening through photos rather than reading a tweet and interested about known people or celebrities that joins such events.

We tweeted 16 tweets that included details about the event; we had a total of 1181 tweet impressions with 75 profile visit and only 1 follower. The profile was made before the event so to have such engagement for only 16 tweets and 1 followers is great. The top tweet was about selling t-shirts to support the patients financially and the top media tweet was about Miss Lebanon since she is a celebrity and supporting this event is a great move for her.

