Twitter Diary

Lama Hatoum
JSC 224 class blog
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2018

Twitter Activity:

I am currently taking a social media class in university, this class requires that all students use Twitter for many purposes, such as live tweeting events, getting more twitter activity and sharing news related to topics talked about in class. I personally did not have twitter before taking this class, so my tweeting activity started at the beginning of Spring 2018 semester.

From February 2018, till today I have made 38 tweets (with the live tweeting event) and 28 (without the live tweeting event). During each week I tweeted twice after every class, which means I usually tweet every Tuesday and Thursday about what we were discussing in class and when I find an article talking about a class related topic I would post it or retweet it (if I saw it on someone’s page). As you can see there is my twitter activity from February till March, my most popular tweets other than the live tweeting event are on March 3rd. I did not count March 1st because I retweeted one of my colleagues post during the live tweeting event. Whereas on March 3rd a retweet a selfie taken by Prime Minister of Lebanon Saad el Hariri. It got many views and impressions.


As for my followers, I currently have 9 followers although I am following 42 people. The people I followed when I opened my twitter account are my friends, news pages (CNN, Daily Star, MTV etc…) and film pages where I can get tips and tricks for creating films. I realized I began to get more followers when I created my first list entitled “Love, Passion and Films” many film pages started to follow me. Then I realized that when I started tagging people in some of my tweets I also got more followers.

As for the people I follow, I chose them because first some are my friends, second I find news pages very useful because it keeps me updated with everything that is going around in the world and in my country. Instead of downloading MTV application or CNN applications to get the latest news I can simply follow them on twitter. The film pages, I actually searched as #film or filmmakers and got many interesting pages, I read their descriptions and looked at a couple of their tweets. The ones that caught my attention and my interest mostly are the ones I followed. When it comes to the most active tweets, I usually see most tweets from “PBS NewsHour” and “Filmmaking Quotes”.

To be honest the one that I feel is more useful for me is from “Film Making quotes” or “Filmmakers Independent” because I am a Tv and Film student, all new information I can get about films all the more happy I would be. I feel the things I read on these two pages are stuff I actually have seen in university and actually there is stuff I found out via these pages that I never learned in university. I don’t think the amount of tweets people make have to do with catching my attention or interest. I personally get attached to tweets depending on the content of the tweet itself.


As for twitter Lists, I have made two, one entitled “Love, passion and film” and the second “knots’n dust”. The first list I created was based on my personal interest in film as it is my profession. I added film pages to this list and I added some of my friends that I know are passionate about the topic like me. The second list I did was for my live tweeting event, I followed Beirut art, BAC, Daily star and some of my friends in this list. I check my list every once a week, I mostly get information from the “love, passion and film” list, like recently I got the best 10 movies to watch in March! And I am pretty excited to watch. They do help in staying up to date because when I want to know something specific about a film topic I can automatically go to my list and see what is new.

Looking Forward:

One of the things i really one to get out of my twitter account is more followers i feel it would motivate me to post more tweets because i know more people can see and react to them. I would really like to improve the quality of my tweets so that people can react or like my tweets more.

I think i should stay up to date with everything that is going on in my country and around the world so that i can tweet about new information that people would like to know about.As for films, i think i should tweet about some facts i have about films, because like i learn from pages about films, other can learn from my page too.

