Noura Fayad
JSC 224 class blog
Published in
5 min readMar 19, 2018


Twitter diary

Twitter Activity

· How many tweets did you make? 15 tweets

· What response did your tweets receive? (Nr. of retweets, Likes, replies,)

· What were your most “popular” tweets since the beginning of this course? Here are my top 3 tweests:


· How many followers do you have? I have 9 followers

· How did the number of followers change since the beginning of this course? I started with 2 followers since the beginning of this course, and this number has increased, especially after the live tweeting of the play “ Haki Rjeil”

· Can you identify a relationship between the things you tweet and the number of people who follow you? Did any of your tweets trigger a spike in followers or result in particular person following you? Yes, after the live-tweeting of the play “Haki Rjeil”, my number of followers increased, where people who watched the play followed me, even some didn’t but were interested in it. In addition, the tweet where i tagged the actors to describe their roles in the play triggered to one of them ( Toni Maalouf into following me).

People You Follow

· How many people do you follow? I follow 80 people

· How did you chose who you follow? How did you benefit from the people, lists, groups you follow. Make sure to focus on your professional interests here. Well, I’m very interested in Marketing, Digital Design, and a bit in Politics, so I made sure to follow marketing experts, Digital Design accounts and agencies, as well as newspapers and magazines from around the world. All of which helped in enriching my knowledge in those different fields.

· Who are the most active among the people you follow? (most active here means people with the highest number of tweets) Well, the most active account are the newspapers, the marketing experts and celebrities.

· Which ones are the most useful or informative? The Marketing Experts and marketing accounts post very interesting information, confirmed studies, as well as personal experiences on a daily basis, which has positively affected my knowledge in this field, my choice of purchasing items, as well as the tricks brands use to market for themselves.

· Is there a correlation between the amount of tweets people make and how relevant they are for your interests or information needs? Yes, well in my opinion, the more a certain account tweets and is active on twitter, the more it interests me , as i consider it to be more relevant, professional, and useful for the information that I seek.


· How many lists have you created? I have created one list so far, titled “ Lebanese Cinema”.

· For what purpose did you create your lists? Are they topical list dedicated to a field of study or research? Or do they combine information sources for a particular geographic area i.e. places of interest for research projects, reporting assignments or courses you take, local news coverage etc.? Maybe you have lists of accounts related to a specific person? Whatever they are -describe the main function and purpose of your lists. I have created one list so far, titled “Lebanese Cinema”, which i’m currently using for a campaign project related to the Lebanese Cinema in one of my courses, it combines different accounts of Lebanese actors, directors, producers, writers, as well as production agencies, in order to gather data and the latest updates related to Lebanese movies, and helps us identify our exact target audience for the project.

· How many members does each list have right now? This list has 10 members at the moment.

· What were your criteria for adding people to each list? I made sure to add important actors and directors who are currently contributing to the Lebanese Cinema such as the Oscar nominated movie “The Insult”, by adding the director Ziad Doueiri’s account and the actors, as well as many other iconic directors and actors who have taken part of important Lebanese movies.

· How many people have you removed or replaced since you created the lists? I haven’t removed or replaced any member of this list yet, as ever member is contributing by giving useful information through their active tweeting.

· How often do you check your lists? I check this list many times during the day.

· How helpful are they in staying up to date? The members of this list are very up to date, as they tweet very actively about various information that we need for this project.

· What have you gotten out of them so far? We have gotten information about the success of the movies in the media, the good impressions they’re leaving on the Lebanese youth who has become more accepting and has started loving, embracing, and encouraging their country’s productions, which is mainly what we’re working on.

Looking forward

· How do you plan to adjust your twitter habits so that you can enhance the informational value of Twitter for you? Well, I certainly plan to tweet more as a start, about topics that concern and interest me, by using proper hashtags, and tagging concerned people, in order to attain more followers and know my audience properly. In addition, i plan on creating lists about the topics that i love and mentioned earlier, in order to gain better knowledge, which will help me have a clear idea of what interests me exactly, and can help me be more precise and decisive in the people and accounts i follow.

· What sources do you use to learn how to make the most of Twitter for your purpose? My most used source for this matter is actually an account called “Hootsuite” on Twitter, which aims to give the best tips and advise about different social media platforms by attaching articles and videos from trusted sources about many topics such as informing about the latest functions and features of twitter and the other platforms, promoting or marketing our account or a certain product, ,managing your account in order to gain more followers, and much more information.

