twitter Diary

JSC 224 class blog
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2018

My twitter account was created almost a year ago but since then the account had little to no activity. By the beginning of February, I started tweeting posts that are related to the subjects talked about in class, I also had a live tweeting event done too which was what increased my twitter activity the most. Therefore, I have tweeted a total of 23 posts since the beginning of this course. The tweets had a totally of two retweets, 18 likes, most of the likes where students from LAU and, the organizations participating in the tweets which I hash tagged them in, and two journalists who were following the events and came across my tweets, and 1 reply. the tweet impressions increased by 6,616.3%

The most popular tweet is one of the issued tweets during the live tweeting event, and it took a total of 351 impressions and seven engagements.

Due to the event specifically, the number of followers has increased by half to become 14 followers instead of 7, most of the followers are Lebanese American University students who follow the LAU communication account and due to me hash tagging the event and the LAU account, I got the attention of some of the students. one student by the name of Dana Ajouz got intrigued by the live tweeting event and asked me whether this was an assignment or not due to me having a relatively silent twitter account, but due to this assignment it has been active more and that caught her attention and therefore learn about the event and its cause.

I follow a total of 198 accounts, some of which are related to the events that took place during the course, such as the Belling cat account, and the Modern Body conference. I also follow regional and worldwide news accounts to keep me up to date on what’s going on around me, and I follow nongovernmental organizations such as Makhzoumi foundation, I also follow TEDtalks because they share informative and rich speeches which I find very beneficial for me as a communication student who is interested in working in a similar field in the future. Moreover, I followed countless accounts which offer updated information about social media and tips on how to use it in the most efficient way as a communication student and a consumer too. I chose whatever revolved around what I want to do in the future and the accounts chosen are what will help me enrich myself enough and get involved in the field in a way to ready myself. Ted talks are the most active account I follow they are also the most useful and informative for me personally because they share everything worth talking, they inspire people to grow and better and as a communication student I love public speaking and so I learn from them how to keep an audience interested and how to talk about a certain subject in a way that shows the true importance of it, this would help me with my communication skills too. There is no correlation between the amount of tweets people make and how relevant they are for my interest or information needed

I have created three lists. The first one combines all the social media themed accounts therefore I can see everything informative and helpful around how to manage social media, it has 5 members . The second list included all TED and has three members. The third one is a news themed list it has 5 members of local and international news sources it was created to make it easier for me to be up to date with the news they post.

All of the members combined are ones which I follow the most and am interested in getting information from. I check the lists once a day to scroll through the posts. It has been very effective since it made it easier for me to get the information I am after in twitter and my amount of consumption from these accounts has increased after creating these lists.

The account could have been more active with better hashtags to gain more exposure and impressions, therefore I will be working on this angle to update my tweets, the social media accounts along with the course have helped me gain better knowledge around how twitter works and I will keep following the accounts to keep myself updated on the latest tips and tricks for tweeting and I won’t forget them. Moreover, I need to find a specific field to tweet about because that would help me get noticed more and the field of choice will be revolving around TED Talk and anything related to it and the themes of innovation, inspiration, counseling, etc…

