“You Stink” Assignment

Monika Halkort
Audio Visual Reporting
3 min readSep 22, 2016
You Stink Demo, Downtown Beirut 2015

Your Task

Edit a 1:30 min news story out of the footage you received. Your story will be aired just before a studio discussion about the government’s failure to solve the crisis.

Your story needs to recapture the main reasons for the protests last year. And it has to show how the government responded to the public outcry.

Story Structure

I have already pointed out the main issue to address in your segment and in what order they should appear. Your task now is to construct an audio visual narrative that illustrates these points.

[Please note that parts of the footage have no sound. You can still use the images, and add some athmo from other parts. I will show you how to do that in class]

Your story does not have to be perfect for now. We will fine tune it and work on transitions and problems you may face in the next next class.

But you will have to show a work in progress on Tuesday: This means you have to have all interviews and image sequences lined up in the timeline, edited down to somewhere between 2–5 minutes. If the flow of images is not smooth yet or if you struggle to bring sequences in a workable order that’s fine. We can shift sequences around. But you need to have made a selection of material you plan to use.

Most importantly you need to have started working with Premiere Pro. Don’t use amateur software (I-movie, movie maker and the like). There is no point in being scared about trying new things, even if you use Premiere for the first time. The only way to gain confidence is by using the tool, with the help you receive in class. To further support you I have posted a tutorial for Premiere on Blackboard.

The tutorial contains a written description of everything I showed you today. So make sure you use it when working on your project.


I appreciate that not all of you have worked with video tools since your “Introduction to Audio Visual Media” class. But that’s is not a reason to hesitate or to think you don’t know how to edit video. To the contrary. Its time for you to get started. Audio Visual kills are essential in all genres of journalism: in print as much as in radio, TV, or online. You wont be able to find a job without knowing how to edit audio and video.

And as announced. Annie is there to help. She even has scheduled a special tutorial for you on Monday. Should you not have signed up for it but want to join, email her.

Good luck. And if you have questions email me.

