Should “Wonder Women” be banned in Lebanon?

8 min readDec 14, 2017


On Wednesday, May 31st, the Lebanese government issued a ban on the DC movie Wonder Women from premiering in Lebanon’s cinemas because of the Israeli main character. The ban took to social media and across the news about whether or not this was an act of Lebanese patriotism or was it completely unnecessary to relate a box office movie into the ongoing politics of Lebanon and Israel. Many articles and visual material were posted online to show both those were for the ban and those who were against it.

When the Wonder Women movie came out into cinemas, the Lebanese minister of Economy banned the film before it was scheduled to premiere in its cinemas.

The reason behind its ban was that the main character of the superhero film was an Israeli citizen Gal Gadot, who was a combat trainer in the Israeli Defense Force for two years and a strong advocate of the IDF. The movie was subjected to premiere until the last decision two hours before the premiere.

Lebanon Bans The Wonder Women movie

Lebanon has been at war with Israel for some time now. And by some time, I mean since Belvoir Fortress declared the Palestinian land to be used for the Jewish immigrants of Europe. Since then, Lebanon, and its people, have declared Israel as an occupant of terror for the Palestinians and the Lebanese. Israeli products have been banned, Israeli TV channels are disconnected, and even Israeli citizens are forbidden to enter Lebanon. Wonder women was officially banned by the government and declared on Wednesday, May 31, 2017.

“Gadot is an Israeli national who served in the Israeli army and has praised its actions during the 2014 Gaza war. No other Arab country has so far placed a similar ban on Gadot’s appearances. Lebanon officially remains at was with Israeli intentions between the Jewish state and Hezbollah remain high” (Marsi, 2017).

After the ban, a Facebook page was created by Lebanese social media activists against the involvement of the Israeli actress in the movie. The page as named Campaign to Boycott Supporters of Israel-Lebanon

“One post yesterday said: “Playing a film Wonder Women in which she is featured (as the main actress) is against the Lebanese law. In addition, she supported the Israeli army during its attack on Gaza, served in the Israeli army for two years (as Israelis usually do), and boasted about the army training her for Hollywood” (Kyriazis, 2017).

On the other hand , “One commentator summarized these sentiments: “I am surprised when I read thank you for the general security for banning an American Hollywood movie, at a time when the civil and cultural society are waging a quasi-existential battle for freedoms with censorship, and particularly with the “scissor” [reference to censorship] now almost in the hands of religious institutions” (Shebaya, 2017).

The Boycott campaign against the movie
Gaodt facebook message and the reply for her

Non-the-less, those who were with the ban thought it to be a sign of victory but with an unknown loser. those with the banning of the movie was not out of fear of the country ‘Israel’, but the fear of the normalization of any sort of Israeli products, films, communication, and even an actor in a film to enter Lebanese grounds with zero participation of Lebanese citizens to resist these acts with a country still at war with Lebanon. However, what remains in conflict was that people against the censorship described it as one of the many blankets the Lebanese government has covered Lebanese media for their own political interest.

The question is, was the targeted ban a censorship move for political interest? or was it a true motif of patriotism from the Lebanese government against Israel?

With an interview conducted the Minister of Economy of Lebanon, Minister Raed Khoury, when asked about if the banning of the movie was based on censorship, patriotism, or was it not needed in the first place, he confessed that it was not him that publically banned the film in the first place. However, in almost all articles in regarding of this ban showed that he himself was the one responsible for this action. “The Press Law also criminalizes “untruthful news” and the incitement to crime” (Dabbous, 2007).

This reveals contradiction and hypocrisy, since in the Lebanese law concerning Israeli issues, it states that in article 2 in the 1955 Boycott Law states that the Minister of Economy and Trade that cooperate in the task of supervision entrusted to him by the high authority in the Palestinian affairs. The minister stated that a committee created by the Lebanese General Security that acted and took the decision to ban the movie. What is surprising is that the Minister himself was in fact against the ban and censorship totally. In fact, the minister did not believe such actions were needed just because the main actress is Israeli. His support was that this actress was already making her debut in another movie (Superman Vs. Batman) that was premiered without hesitation. He also stated that if we were to act into banning anything relevant to Israeli relations, there are many indirect products and issues to banned concerning the enemy state Israel. The Minister then admitted that there were no risks if the movie was premiered normally in Lebanese cinemas.

Which face are you watching??

According to our moral Lebanese morals, we have been taught and shown how the Israeli state has been trying to negatively influence and harm the Lebanese state as a whole. Thus, a Minister of this country, who is in fact the image of the Lebanese morals and ethics subdued into our lifestyle and belifes should have been with the ban and censorship of the movie. For example, Pierre AbiSaab, editor of the AL-Akhbar newspaper said, “this is no matter of opinion regarding Israel”.

Although we know Lebanon to be a country full of political agendas, this should not have been taking as a political issue, but as a matter of national security and the act of banning any type of Israeli normalization that could happen on Lebanese soil.

“According to the Information International survey of experts, the majority of the media professionals believe that the media can report openly on political issues (71%), social issues (69.2%), in addition to economics, culture, and sports (an aggregate of 42%). However, they consider two issues to be entirely off limits when it comes to reporting: corruption and religion (60.4% and 56.2% respectively)” (Dabbous, 2007).

The movie is being denied

Therefore, our ethical point of view against Israel is not and should not be considered as a political action, however it should have been viewed as an act of self-defense and patriotism towards the Lebanese country, especially since this actress that some may view as harmless, was indeed part of the IDF and the reason behind why Israel is an enemy of state.

Needless to add, “nothing in the texts of the existing laws which deal with media content justifies such censorship, unless “public morals” is interpreted so broadly as to include the very tone and attitude with which fictive characters in conflict address each other” (Dabbous, 2007).

According to the interview with Minister of Economy, when asked about would be negatively affected if the movie was not censored, he bluntly answered there would have been no risks if done so. By giving this movie the chance to be premiered in our cinemas, this would have opened many doors to gradually accept relations of Israeli and finally betraying the Palestinian people against the occupation by Israeli settlements.

“Some topics, for reasons mostly related to the cultural and political make-up of the country, are more sensitive than others, and are therefore more closely monitored, censored, or prosecuted by the authorities” (Dabbous, 2007). Those who were against the ban should have realized that this was not another act of a political agenda to control Lebanese media, but an act in order the keep the Lebanese in power against what is or is not allowed by enemy states.

However, I wasn’t allowed to even download the trailer as a visual evidence
Wonder Women Trailer

This movie gave out the sense of feminism and a new beginning of female actors in leading roles. This is one point from many who were against the ban. One of the main activists of the Campaign to Boycott Supporters of Israel-Lebanon, Rania Masri took to defense saying that this campaign was not issued in order to shut down diverse roles in cinema, but to once more shut down any ties between Lebanon and the enemy state. This issue should have been a unified decision, not only by the government, but by the Lebanon as one. In other words, we should not have allowed a mere premiere of a movie divide the Lebanese people and media when discussing an issue targeting Israel.

In regards about the media law stated in Lebanon about cutting all ties regarding relations and communications with Israel, we can see that all articles available in social media platforms delivered this issue that the ones responsible is cutting these ties with Israel was actually against the ban and censorship to begin with. Leading us to believe that not everything the media gave out is true and may eventually harm Lebanon with how its information is distributed online. In conclusion, censorship should be a stronger factor to raise awareness about untruthful messages and the reality of sending indirect messages from foreign distributers, especially the messages came from the enemy state Israel.



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