Truth vs. Harm

Elham Soueid
JSC 419 Class blog
Published in
4 min readOct 10, 2016
Will McAvoy

“Media are one of the most important “truth-seeking” institutions. Without practices aimed at truth cooperative human activity breaks down (Couldry, 2013, p. 16). Will McAvoy, a leading journalist, chose to have an interview with an African-American gay, Wall, who runs as an adviser to a presidential candidate Rick Santorum. Despite the fact that Santorum is racist and homophobic, Wall supports him. Will, who is dedicated to reveal the truth to the public, was interested in uncovering why Wall stands as a supporter to Santorum’s campaign on a special episode “Santorum aid.” Will provided a quote of Santorum from NY Times that states that gay marriage threatens his marriage, all marriages, and traditional values. Wall replied in a very straightforward way as if he was reciting something he memorized. As Wall tried to prove the opposite of Will’s claim, Will provided another proof that is from a recorded interview of Santorum underestimating black people and gay people. Will continued his attacks on Wall to reveal the hidden truth which ended up in him resenting Will for demoting him for being a black gay.

“We’ll be the champion of facts and the mortal enemy of innuendo, speculation, hyperbole, and nonsense” said Will McAvoy in the Apology episode of his show, The Newsroom (McAvoy, 2012). The new editorial policy of Will and his team reflects the ethical principles and values of journalism. Will McAvoy held responsibility to deliver truth and accuracy by providing a quote and a video from NY Times and Fox News respectively. Will had an independent position, for he spoke against Rick Santorum. On the same line he was subjective which makes him follow the principle of Fairness and impartiality. Will held accountability especially when he listened to what Wall wanted to say and then said his last sentence to show that he is still on his position.

In the interview, the contradiction between what Wall said about Santorum and what the facts state, justifies the insistence of Will as a journalist who seeks to uncover the truth to the public. More importantly, his duty requires him to keep going with his allegation aside from the interviewee’s emotions until the end. This justifies why Will said his final sentence as a way to show that he still stands for his position which serves the public.

From a consequential perspective, the interview is ethical since it uncovers the truth behind Santorum who is running for presidency. Although Will was aggressive with Wall in his argument, he was serving a larger number of citizens including Wall to be aware and careful when taking the right choice. Will’s main aim was ensuring utility “trying to maximize positive benefits for the greatest number of people” (Halkort, 2016). Uncovering the truth would certainly clarify things to the audience and make them take the right decision on whom to elect. Thus, this ensures satisfaction and happiness in the society by having an appropriate leader.

From a non-consequential perspective, Will’s aim was to uncover the truth and ensure credibility; however, he was aggressive with his guest. He decided to act harshly with him and make him reveal the deep truth inside him. I believe Will succeeded in his trial to do so when Wall admitted in his final words that Rick Santorum wouldn’t find him fit to be a teacher.

Commitment to truth ends when the journalist’s argument veers from facts to the interviewees personal issues and dignity. By exposing the racism and homophobia of Rick Santorum, Will’s attacks on Wall can be justified as beneficial to the society whom he aims on leading to make the right decision on choosing the ruler of their country.

Will could have provided additional facts, truth that contradict with the thoughts of the interviewee, and uncover hidden information and statements of the candidate.

I believe that Will have achieved success after all when Wall admitted at the end of the interview that Santorum discriminates him for being black and gay and wouldn’t find him fit to be a teacher. Throughout the interview, I realized that Wall defends Santorum and regardless of what proves Will was providing. However, when things became personal and Wall felt inferior, he realized the truth behind Santorum’s racism and homophobia.

According to the analysis of key duties and obligations, truth comes with harm and it could lead to embarrassment making the person agonized to confront.


Will McAvoy’s Apology (The Newsroom). (2013). Retrieved September 19, 2016, from

The Newsroom Homosexuality. (2012). Retrieved September 19, 2016, from

Couldry, N. (2013). Why Media Ethics Still Matters. In S. J. Ward, Global Media Ethics, Malden, MA; Oxford and Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell., pp. 13–27

Halkort, M. (2016). Analysis of key duties & obligations. PowerPoint. Slide 19.


