First Encounter with Data Structures

Jason Sigmon
JSON’s Coding Adventures
5 min readOct 24, 2015

Singular Linked List


A singular linked list provides constant time insertion and deletion. These changes occur through Nodes that contain a value and a link/pointer to another node.


Because the values are not indexed; it is hard to find an individual value. You must traverse the list, by following the pointer nodes until they reach your destination or the of the list. If you need easy access to individual nodes you will lose your time complexity savings.

Example Use

Your grocery list that you expect to add and remove items from

Key Functions

Finding the head and tail — allows you to find the beginning and the end of the linked list.

Adding to tail — adds a node at the end of your list.

Remove the head — removes the first element from your linked list

Contains — check if your linked list contains a certain value.

Further Examples

Doubly Linked Lists Differences

A Doubly Linked List also contains a pointer to the next element in the list also contains a pointer to the previous element in the list. This additional pointer makes it easier to remove elements from the list. The reason Singly Linked Lists are preferred is because you use extra memory storing two pointers even though you should not frequently need to traverse your list.

Tree Data Structures


Tree Data Structures are a series of nodes with parent and child nodes. The first node is called the Root, and the rest are children of the Root node. A node that has a parent but no children is called a Leaf node. Walking the tree is when you go up or down the tree using parent or child nodes respectively. The two types of searches are Depth First & Breadth First. The former requires you to go to the bottom of one set of child nodes before analyzing a different path. Breadth First requires you to look at every node that’s the same distance from the root before proceeding further down the tree.

The height of a node is how many nodes it is away from the Root node. The height of the tree is the farthest distance from the Root node to a Leaf node.


Possible uses for trees would be mapping your family tree or an organization’s hierarchy

Key Functions

children — array containing subtrees

addChild — takes a value and adds it as a child node of an existing node

contains — checks a node and its descendants to see if a value is contained within any of them.

Binary Search Tree


A Binary Search Tree or BST is the most useful tree structure because each node has at most two child nodes. An example usage, is deciding mentor /mentee relationships to ensure no mentor has more than two mentees.

Traversal Types

Pre-Order — Start at the root and work your down the tree from left to right

In-Order — Start at the bottom of the left node chain then move towards the right node chain

Post-Order-Start at the bottom of each node chain then work backwards



In a graph data structure the nodes are referred to as vertices and are connected in some way. Edges(pairs) form when two nodes connect. Degrees are the number of edges a node has. A connected graph means there is a path between every single pair of vertices. If every vertice is directly connected every other vertice it is called a Complete graph.


Undirected — The Edges are unordered because you can traverse between vertices

Directed — The Edges are ordered because a connection only allows you to travel one way. Two vertices can have two edges allowing you to traverse between more easily.


A graph is useful for mapping flight routes. If a flight route exists between two cities, then they would have an edge. You could also use it to map the connections between websites.

Key Functions

General Node Functions— Add, Remove, Contains

forEachNode- Do something to each node

Edge Function — Add, Remove, Has Edge(tests if two nodes are connected)



Sets contain unique unordered values. At its simplest form, a Set is an array. You may often see it represented as circles i.e. a Venn Diagram. It is best though to use objects, not arrays to allow for the least time complex operations.


Randomly choosing what to wear from your closet of clothes(assuming you are not Mark Zuckerberg).

Key Functions

General — Add & Remove

Intersection — The values two sets share

Difference — The values they don’t share

Union — Assumes there is an intersection and returns all unique values

Hashing Table


Hash tables require a key and value to work. This key value pair forms a tuple that is an array containing the two. The Hash Table’s hashing function takes the key and determines at what index to insert the tuple . There can be multiple tuples at one index allowing for easy storage.


A Hashing Table can be used to store a constant changing contact list. Information is connected to an individual then stored away.

Key Functions

Insert — Adds a tuple into the Hash Table

Remove — Removes a tuple from the Hash Table

Retrieve — Retrieves a tuple given a certain key.



Jason Sigmon
JSON’s Coding Adventures

Founder of Arternic, LCS Fan, and tweet @jaysig91. Feel free to reach out and say hello