An Object Supreme

JaSON Rete
Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2021

Programming mastery in the discipline of Full-stack Software Engineering isn’t going to happen spontaneously without effort. As I expand my mind in this new domain of thinking, I recognize that I am growing more competent day by day. Early concepts learned and applied in building my first projects now seem small and simple, examining the code. I recognize that developing more complex projects past my current limits of understanding will have to be the learning pain required to improve. Exploration with passion, desire, and immense curiosity has additionally aided me in getting over any early achievement gaps. And the enjoyment of this whole process has only increased the longer I continue to program and strengthen my problem-solving skills. Within this digital realm instantiating a way of thinking that operates separately from my mind, that another human can then manually interface, rendering an extraordinary level of communication within the context of programming, is a valuable technological advancement that I plan to contribute to and exploit.

Objectively completing the coding Bootcamp curriculum at times pigeonholed my thinking. I am solving problems and completing tasks with new knowledge recently taught. Including the improvements and advancements of the JavaScript language with countless worthy frameworks and libraries, I must keep in mind that these tools exist to manipulate and control the base-level language. For example, using React sort of made the fundamentals of JavaScript seem invisible. However, this is from the perspective of someone new to programming. I wonder how beneficial or necessary it would be to mix Vanilla JavaScript programming with the more elaborate library. Have JavaScript frameworks or libraries been designed to solve most challenges while allowing Vanilla JavaScript to fill in the gaps, and is it decided which approach to program within based on the ease of use with the consideration of time, producing the same result? At this point, I don’t have the experience to know the strengths or pitfalls of one programming pattern over another. However, I anticipate that pure enjoyment will guide me. Shortcuts are the foundation of programming paradigms. However, at times, using curiosity to go around an obstacle the long way can help keep you in touch with why other software engineers may have created particular libraries or frameworks in the first place. I must stay vigilant and aware that the old ways can still coexist with the new design approaches.

JavaScript object creation, control, and manipulation seem to be the name of the game. JavaScript is all about the object. But this view is obscured by utilizing advanced techniques and tools that are effective yet dazzling to new developers. I will continue to go back and focus on Vanilla JavaScript, allowing me to grasp the inner workings of more advanced libraries. I have a comprehensive overview of software engineering and what is required to become a solid Full-Stack Software Engineer. My current focus is to review Ruby and JavaScript’s fine details and strengthen my algorithmic knowledge. Each programming language and tool has a lot of information online gathered through search engines, videos, blogs, and websites. StackOverflow, GitHub, and official documentation sites are also incredibly plentiful and beneficial. Still, sometimes they can seem overwhelmingly distractive, especially if they don’t represent the current version of the software tool you may be using.

Objective complete! Attending a coding Bootcamp was to fulfill a desire to learn to program and prepare to reenter the post covid world a more technologically creative individual. Not only am I better prepared to enter the ever-expanding tech job market, but I also look forward to freelancing, side projects, and coding collaborations. These are the things that I believe will help lead to mastery.

