A brief overview of the TCP/IP model, SSL/TLS/HTTPS protocols and SSL certificates

In this article, we will learn about how web encryption and web security works based on the SSL/TLS protocol. We will also go through the anatomy of SSL certificates and how to generate a self-signed certificate for your own use.

Uday Hiwarale
Published in
27 min readFeb 1, 2020



I’m currently writing an article on how to create a secure HTTP server in Go (golang) and I thought what could be a better opportunity than this to discuss this broad topic about web security.

In this article, we will be extensively talking about SSL/TLS communication, HTTP protocol, Internet packets, SSL certificates and other essential features of the web/internet that do not come up in our day to day web development life but we should be absolutely aware of them.

How does the internet works?

I could answer this question in one sentence or we could be here for hours. But I want to keep things simple and easy to understand.

The internet is literally a mesh of wires spread around the world that connect different devices to each other. Even if you do not…

