Electronjs: package and distribute

Packaging and distributing Electron applications using electron-builder

In this lesson, we are going to learn how to package an electron application using electron-builder and distribute this application using GitHub releases.

Uday Hiwarale
Published in
11 min readJan 8, 2021


(source: gist.github.com)

In the previous lessons, we learned how to create Electron applications and how to use electron-weback to bundle the application source. So far, we haven’t packaged the application as we were only running the application using either the $ electron or $ electron-webpack commands.

In this lesson, we are going to create distribution files for an Electron application such as .dmg or .pkg for macOS or .msi for Windows and host them right on our GitHub repository. This will allow our users to download the platform-specific installation file of the application.

There are many tools to package an Electron application but electron-builder is one of the most popular ones. We are going to use the same old electron-lessons repository we have created that contains the source code of the Electron applications we have created in the previous lessons.




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