Web Development

Pug.js to make your life easier with HTML templates

Uday Hiwarale
5 min readMar 22, 2018


Pug.js is a HTML templating engine, which means you can write much simpler Pug code, which Pug compiler will compile into HTML code, that browser can understand. But why not write HTML code in the first place?

Pug has powerful features like conditions, loops, includes, mixins using which we can render HTML code based on user input or reference data. Pug also support JavaScript natively, hence using JavaScript expressions, we can format HTML code.

An application of that would be Email Templates to send email customized to particular user. We can make an email template using Pug with variables that can be changed based on user to whom we are sending that email. Before sending email,we can compile Pug to HTML code with user data to fill the gaps where that dynamic information should go. Trust me, this will save you lot of time.

There are lot of applications where HTML code needs to be generated on server or browser and Pug fits perfectly for those kind of environments. So let’s get started.

Pug.js, as from its name is a JavaScript library. Hence, we can run it inside browser or on node.js. Here, I am using node.js to demonstrate few examples.

