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A collection of essential articles for JavaScript, WebAssembly, TypeScript, Node.js, Deno, and Web development in general.
The brand new ECMAScript Decorators
The brand new ECMAScript Decorators
In this lesson, we will explore the new ECMAScript Decorators syntax and uncover what has changed over the past.
Uday Hiwarale
Apr 1, 2024
Introduction to React v18's useSyncExternalStore hook
Introduction to React v18's useSyncExternalStore hook
In this lesson, we are going to explore how the newly added useSyncExternalStore hook works and how it simplifies reactivity with external…
Uday Hiwarale
Apr 13, 2023
Introduction to React v18 automatic batch updates and flushSync
Introduction to React v18 automatic batch updates and flushSync
In this lesson, we are going to explore how React batch update feature works and how we can opt out of it.
Uday Hiwarale
May 8, 2022
Introduction to React v18 Suspense and Render-as-You-Fetch approach
Introduction to React v18 Suspense and Render-as-You-Fetch approach
In this lesson, we are going to explore React’s new ”Suspense” API released in v18 and how concurrent features work.
Uday Hiwarale
Apr 20, 2022
Packaging and distributing Electron applications using electron-builder
Packaging and distributing Electron applications using electron-builder
In this lesson, we are going to learn how to package an electron application using electron-builder and distribute this application using…
Uday Hiwarale
Jan 8, 2021
Creating a React-based Electron application with electron-webpack
Creating a React-based Electron application with electron-webpack
In this lesson, we are going to build a React-based Electron application using the electron-webpack package. This package also provides…
Uday Hiwarale
Jan 5, 2021
Working with files (I/O) in an Electron application
Working with files (I/O) in an Electron application
In this lesson, we are going to create an Electron application with a file drag and drop feature. We are also going to see how to manage…
Uday Hiwarale
Dec 29, 2020
A beginner’s guide to creating desktop applications using Electron
A beginner’s guide to creating desktop applications using Electron
In this lesson, we are going to take a look at the architecture of Electron and understand how Electron works. Then we are going to set up…
Uday Hiwarale
Dec 23, 2020
A beginner’s guide to React Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
A beginner’s guide to React Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
In this lesson, we are going to talk about server-side rendering (SSR), its benefits, and its pitfalls. Then we will set up a mini React…
Uday Hiwarale
Dec 7, 2020
A beginner’s guide to testing React components using Jest and GitHub Actions
A beginner’s guide to testing React components using Jest and GitHub Actions
In this lesson, we are going to take a quick look at the Jest testing library and integrate it with a sample React project to test some…
Uday Hiwarale
Dec 3, 2020
Creating simple HTML Canvas animations with Fabric.js
Creating simple HTML Canvas animations with Fabric.js
In the previous article, we took a look at the Fabric.js library and how to use it to draw basic shapes on the Canvas. In this lesson, we…
Uday Hiwarale
Oct 28, 2020
A basic introduction to Fabric.js to draw 2D graphics on Web
A basic introduction to Fabric.js to draw 2D graphics on Web
In this article, we are going to learn about the fabric.js library which helps us draw 2D shapes on HTML5 canvas with ease.
Uday Hiwarale
Oct 25, 2020
A basic introduction to Canvas API to draw 2D/3D graphics on Web
A basic introduction to Canvas API to draw 2D/3D graphics on Web
In this article, we are going look at the basics of Canvas Web API provided by the browser to draw 2D/3D graphics natively on the web.
Uday Hiwarale
Oct 14, 2020
How to create an executable (.exe) file from JavaScript code (using Node.js)
How to create an executable (.exe) file from JavaScript code (using Node.js)
In this lesson, we are going to learn how to create a .exe binary executable file from JavaScript code. This is possible with the help of…
Uday Hiwarale
Sep 26, 2020
5 simple JavaScript coding practices to consider for scalability
5 simple JavaScript coding practices to consider for scalability
In this lesson, I will talk about a few coding practices I follow while writing JavaScript applications. These certainly increase…
Uday Hiwarale
Sep 23, 2020
Integrating TypeScript with Webpack
Integrating TypeScript with Webpack
In this lesson, we are going to learn how to compile a TypeScript project using Webpack. This setup becomes necessary if you want to…
Uday Hiwarale
Sep 12, 2020
Loose vs Strict Equality in JavaScript
Loose vs Strict Equality in JavaScript
In this lesson, we are quickly going to go through strict (===) vs loose (==) equality operators in JavaScript and understand how they…
Uday Hiwarale
Sep 12, 2020
Truthy vs Falsy values in JavaScript
Truthy vs Falsy values in JavaScript
In this lesson, we are quickly going to go through truthy and falsy values that resemble true and false boolean behavior.
Uday Hiwarale
Sep 7, 2020
Understanding new.target syntax in JavaScript functions.
Understanding new.target syntax in JavaScript functions.
In this lesson, we are quickly going to go through the usage of new.target pseudo-property and use it to make JavaScript function…
Uday Hiwarale
Sep 6, 2020
What’s new in JavaScript 2020?
What’s new in JavaScript 2020?
There are some new ECMAScript proposals that have landed in the “stage 4” of the TC39 proposal track. Let’s have a quick look at these…
Uday Hiwarale
Sep 5, 2020
What are “Internal Slots” and “Internal Methods” in JavaScript?
What are “Internal Slots” and “Internal Methods” in JavaScript?
ECMAScript 2015 specification came up with the idea of internal slots and internal methods that specify the internals properties and…
Uday Hiwarale
Aug 31, 2020
How to quickly transpile JavaScript using Babel alone? A brief introduction to Babel.js.
How to quickly transpile JavaScript using Babel alone? A brief introduction to Babel.js.
In this lesson, we are going to learn how to simply transpile or compile JavaScript code written in ES6+ (ES2015+) to ES5 using just Babel…
Uday Hiwarale
Aug 30, 2020
Anatomy of TypeScript “Decorators” and their usage patterns
Anatomy of TypeScript “Decorators” and their usage patterns
In this lesson, we are going to learn about the Decorator pattern in TypeScript and how Decorators are used to change the behavior of the…
Uday Hiwarale
Aug 25, 2020
Introduction to “reflect-metadata” package and its ECMAScript proposal
Introduction to “reflect-metadata” package and its ECMAScript proposal
In this lesson, we are going to take a look at the reflect-metadata package used by TypeScript to design decorators. This package is…
Uday Hiwarale
Aug 21, 2020
Introduction to “Proxy” API for Metaprogramming in JavaScript
Introduction to “Proxy” API for Metaprogramming in JavaScript
In this lesson, we are going to learn about the `Proxy` class available in the ES2015+. It provides a mechanism to intercept basic…
Uday Hiwarale
Aug 16, 2020
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