And the winner is…

Philipp Leitner
JSS Editor’s Selection
2 min readJan 21, 2020

Last year we chose three papers to be considered for our ten-year Most Influential Paper Award. These three papers were:

  • A practical evaluation of spectrum-based fault localisation — A retrospective (blog, article)
  • A comparison of issues and advantages in agile and incremental development between state of the art and an industrial case — A retrospective (blog, article)
  • The Palladio Component Model for Model-driven Performance Prediction (blog, article)

While MIP awards are already prestigious, we would like to remind readers that an MIP award from JSS is particularly impressive due to its selectivity. In 2009 (the year under consideration), JSS accepted 187 papers and our winner will be the top paper out of this group. This represents the top ½ percent of accepted papers, or the top 0.083 percent of submitted papers. Not bad.

For anyone who has had a child in a dance competition, you will remember that almost everyone gets a trophy (making for excruciatingly long award ceremonies). Yet these trophies are not participation trophies. Any group that has made it to the competition has already beaten out many groups that were not even invited to the competition. Because they recognize so many groups, dance competitions have gone beyond the normal bronze, silver, and gold designations, adding Platinum, Elite, and High Gold as their top awards. To recognize the elite achievements of these three papers we will be using these same designations.

First, our High Gold MIP winner is…

A comparison of issues and advantages in agile and incremental development between state of the art and an industrial case — A retrospective

With 375 cites, nearly 700 views of its blog post, and well over 100 reads of its blog post, this paper has had a clear impact since its 2009 debut.

Next, the winner of our Elite MIP is…

A practical evaluation of spectrum-based fault localisation — A retrospective

With 357 cites, over 500 blog post views, and 240 blog post reads this paper had the most active readers during our competition, perhaps making it the early leader for the 20 year MIP award.

And finally, the Platinum MIP winner is…

The Palladio Component Model for Model-driven Performance Prediction

With 774 cites, nearly 500 blog post views, and nearly 200 blog post reads this paper was being read a lot, both in both pdf and blog post form, leading to an impressive impact.

CONGRATULATIONS to the authors on this special achievement. You are the 0.083 percent!



Philipp Leitner
JSS Editor’s Selection

Associate Professor of Software Enginering at Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg. Researcher in Cloud Computing and Internet Technologies.