Juan Fernando Pacheco
Juan Fernando Pacheco

I’m a 20-year industry veteran who started as a web designer and now works as a Business Development Manager for a number of clients in the region. For over ten years, I’ve been manufacturing goods, services, supporting initiatives, and directing teams for a number of customers in the region. I’m currently working as a Business Development Manager in regional markets like Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, and Brazil, connecting with clients, supporting local teams, and assisting customers as a consultant in areas like innovation squad creation, marketing strategy development, and automation, Design Thinking implementation, and more. In a word, I’m a professional with a lot of expertise helping clients develop experiences rather than just products or services

Connect with Juan Fernando Pacheco

Juan Fernando Pacheco

As Design Thinking coach, I’m working in product and service design from the visioning up to delivery. Unlearn things is a challenge, but so far is best way to create new one experiences.

Connect with Juan Fernando Pacheco
