Is A Surprise Trip Right For You?

Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2019

Jubel’s surprise trips have been making a splash in the media lately, with outlets like the Wall Street Journal and Thrillist writing about the hot travel trend. Sure, the trips may sound and look amazing, but how do you know if a surprise trip is right for you? Well, Jubel has put together a handy guide to help decide if you are ready and a good fit for a surprise adventure of a lifetime.


Go on a surprise trip: if you want to embark on a trip without the back and forth of planning, researching, and revising trip itineraries.

On Jubel’s surprise trips, we take care of all of that for you, leaving you to enjoy your extra free time. Based on our thorough survey, Jubel matches you to your ideal trip, fully tailored to your personality & preferences, without the headache of planning it yourself.

Don’t go on a surprise trip: if the idea of not knowing where you are going until the last minute gives you intense and overwhelming anxiety.

Even though the WSJ reported, that “control freaks are opting for ‘surprise vacations’”, the reality is that the not-knowing and wondering aren’t for everyone. If the surprise element of the surprise trip stresses you out rather than excites you, perhaps one of Jubel’s non-surprise trips would be a better fit.

Go on a surprise trip: if you want to ditch the predictability of so many vacations today.

With the internet and Instagram, it can be hard to feel that heart-rushing suspense of traveling somewhere totally new. Nowadays, it’s all too common to google away your trip to the point of near-exhaustion. By skipping the planning stage and letting Jubel’s experts take care of it, you will be completely awestruck by wherever we send you, without having already experienced all the sites virtually.

Don’t go on a surprise trip: if the planning of a trip is your favorite part.

For some people, the joy of a trip is in putting together the puzzle pieces to create an amazing vacation that will please a group of people. We don’t want to take that fun away from you! If this is you, perhaps a non-surprise trip would be better for you, where you can work with Jubel’s experts to put together your dream trip.

Go on a surprise trip: if you know what types of activities you want to do on vacation, but not where you want to go.

Jubel uses a comprehensive survey to figure out your traveling profile, including where you have already been in the past, so as to keep it fresh and personalized. So whether you are a Party Purist, Active Naturist, an Oceanist, or a Culturist (among others), Jubel will find you the best place to go for the types of things you want to experience and do on vacation.

Don’t go on a surprise trip: if you are not interested in experiential travel.

At Jubel, we send you where you truly should be going based on your style, budget, and interests. This may often skip the touristy destinations and take you off-the-beaten-path, so you can experience something authentic and rewarding wherever you are. But that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. If you would rather stay at a popular all-inclusive beach resort than explore a new place, Jubel’s surprise trip may not be right for you.

Go on a surprise trip: if you want to skip the headache of group travel planning.

Surprise trips are perfect for those groups of friends or families who just can’t agree on where to go. So skip the squabbling and let Jubel plan a trip that caters to the needs of the whole group, rather than just the loudest voice in the room.

Don’t go on a surprise trip: if you don’t know your traveling preferences.

Jubel, as we have said, uses a thorough survey to guarantee the trip checks all your boxes. But if you don’t know what you want, or aren’t sure, a surprise trip may not be right for you. We want to send you on the trip of a lifetime, perfectly curated for you, but in order to do that, you need to tell us your dreams and visions.

Do you check all the boxes for why you should go on a surprise trip? What are you waiting for? Let Jubel plan your trip today, and get a taste of adventure tomorrow! Jubel crafts you a personalized experience matching: Your Style. Your Budget. Anywhere.





Curated experiential travel matched to your budget, your style — anywhere |