Big Announcement!

We’re moving to a new blog — read on to find out more!

Gigi Teo Swee Khee
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2022


Exciting announcement! After months of preparation and hard work, Jublia is proud to announce that we are launching a brand new blog! We had many great memories during the past nine years on Medium, but the time for us to replace the old with the new has come.

We are always looking for ways to improve the experience for our readers especially when navigating through our blog, and we have finally achieved it. Our new blog now allows you to effortlessly find the content you are interested in, and to easily access our older articles as well.

This marks the last post for us on Medium — we will be moving our blog to our own website hosted by webflow. All future articles will be posted there, and all our existing articles on Medium have also been moved to the website as well.

As we officially say our goodbyes, we would like to formally thank all of you for supporting Jublia’s blog on Medium for the past nine years. We hope you can continue to support us on our new blog and enjoy our future articles.

You can click this link to access our new blog: We hope to see you there!

