Is It Time to Say Goodbye to Hybrid?

What is in store for the future of hybrid events?

Gigi Teo Swee Khee
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2022


It was a rough start in 2022 for many organizers. The rise in Omicron variant and the resulting government restrictions on events meant that many events were forced to be postponed or even canceled. It was an unprecedented period of uncertainty. To combat this, many organizers turned to use hybrid events as a safety blanket during this period as a means to shift easily from onsite to virtual if there comes the need for it.

The World is Reopening Itself

However, as we move further into 2022, the situation has shifted yet again. As we start to live with Omicron, more and more countries are easing their Covid-19 restrictions, and slowly starting to open up again. So, what does this mean? With more countries opening up, this implies that more events will be able to return onsite, and the events industry can slowly but gradually return to ‘normal’.

Goodbye to Hybrid?

From the start of Covid-19 till now, organizers have been bombarded with the term ‘hybrid’ over and over again. Thus, at the end of the road, most organizers are definitely sick about hearing how hybrid is the best option for their events. With all the aforementioned changes, does it mean the time has finally come for us to say goodbye to hybrid events? Well, not necessarily.

Hello, True Hybrid

Contrary to popular beliefs, a hybrid platform is more than just a tool for virtual-focused platforms to claim that they can assist organizers in adjusting to hybrid events during the pandemic period. Well, it may have been that at the start, but as the event industry continued to adapt and grow during these trying times, so did the very notion of hybrid and what it can bring for your events.

Now is undoubtedly an exciting time for event organizers. Every challenge brings about a new opportunity, and for organizers, the uncertainty brought about by the pandemic has also led to the evolution of hybrid events.

Today, hybrid has transformed to bring the best of both onsite and virtual events, and to create a seamless connection between both. A true hybrid-ready platform that acts like a “Digital Fabric” can assist your event in mitigating event cancellation risks, and bringing greater flexibility and inclusive experiences for all attendees, no matter if they are attending onsite or virtually.

Having a “Digital Fabric” in your onsite events also helps your attendees to prepare their visits before your onsite event dates. As such, they will be empowered to optimize their ROIs with pre-scheduled business meetings, and to also personally prepare their calendar with onsite sessions they will not want to miss.

Hybrid is the Future

Onsite events are coming back, but hybrid events are definitely here to stay. With the blending of a physical and digital landscape through a hybrid-ready platform, the possibilities are limitless. The ability to elevate your attendees’ experiences and to forge deeper engagements and connections can now be in your grasp — all made possible in a single platform.

The pandemic has greatly altered the very meaning of events and how they should be held for attendees. With greater demand from attendees on inclusivity, flexibility, immersiveness and accessibility, hybrid events are definitely the best solution to them. By bringing the best out of onsite and virtual events for both organizers and attendees alike, hybrid events will certainly be in the spotlight for now and in the future.

So don’t be so quick to ditch hybrid events, they may very well be the key for you to unlock your events’ full potential!

Speak With Us!

At Jublia, we have a strong track record with onsite events with over 9 years of experience. We have an ongoing Safe, Anticipate, Future-proof Event (S.A.F.E.) campaign with the aim of not only providing a digital hybrid platform with a Digital Fabric concept as a safety blanket for organizers, but also as a true hybrid-ready platform that aims to elevate event experience for attendees & bring your events to a greater level.

Interested in knowing more about Jublia’s Safe, Anticipate, Future-proof Event (S.A.F.E.) framework and hybrid-ready platform? You can find out by contacting us at and following us on our LinkedIn!

