Virtual Event Series (Part 12): Optimising the Virtual Homepage

Amsyar Jailani
5 min readMar 18, 2021


Get the most out of your virtual homepage as we share useful tips on creating effective landing pages!


In December last year, we released an exciting new feature update for our Match 360° PRO.

In case you missed it, we talked about how special features such as Virtual Booth and Product Showcase have been carefully designed to enhance the user experience of important stakeholders. The higher degree of personalisation afforded by these features allow key exhibitors and sponsors to be in greater control of their interactions with event attendees.

With the ball in your court and seemingly thousands of possibilities available for you to map your desired user experience, we would like to assure you that you have our support. In this article, we will be zooming in on our Web App Hub and giving you some tips on how you can best optimise your homepage.

Best Practices for your Web App Hub: Landing Page Optimisation

The popular adage, ‘First impressions count’ holds especially true in the digital era where attention seems to always be fleeting. Here’s a fun fact — according to research, visitors to a website form their conclusive impressions in the first 50 milliseconds of their exposure to the web page [1]!

Creating a Landing Page that successfully captures the interest of the audience and aligns them with the event organiser’s intentions is not an easy task. Maximising the potential of your landing page requires a sharp understanding of several knowledge areas such as usability, user-centred design, direct-response copywriting, visual aesthetics, psychology and persuasion. Even then, the key to securing and maintaining the attendee’s interest lies in combining these multiple elements [2].

The challenge of optimising your virtual or hybrid event’s landing page seems daunting, but fret not — the capabilities of Jublia’s Web App Hub will assure you that your event will have a strong and solid home base.

Model Example: HLTH Virtual 2020

Interested to see the possibilities of Jublia’s solutions in customising and personalising your virtual homepage? Look no further!

Previously, we presented a case study on The Incredible Digital Transformation of HTLH 2020. The event was a knockout success, achieving an above 80% event satisfaction rate and 76% average platform satisfaction score. HLTH 2020 brought together the entire global health ecosystem and served as a platform for meaningful discussions on health innovation and transformation.

Homepage of HLTH 2020

The highly personalised homepage of HLTH 2020 fuses visual appeal with purposeful substance, signalling a professional virtual environment beaming with a modern vibrance.

One standout aspect of HLTH 2020 was its captivating and dazzling Landing Page. Taking reference from a marketing study on landing pages, there are two key factors found in the homepage of HLTH 2020 which positively influence Landing Page perception [3].

High colour impact, referring to the usage of colours and overall colours scheme

Accelerated by pop culture, the colour blue has become synonymous with the future. The dark blue gradient creates a sense of depth, successfully capturing the essence of technology, innovation and the digital world. These design elements combine to evoke HLTH’s slogan — ‘Create Health’s Future’.

Relevance and attractiveness of banner image to draw immediate attention

This key factor ties in neatly with our recent article on Jublia’s enhanced Sponsorship Module. Staying consistent with the blue theme, the banner image sits nicely in the top section of the homepage. At the same time, the banner content is productive — it calls attention to the event’s programmes and directs the attendee to the Agenda section of the Web App Hub.

Multiple callable actions such as a featured livestream video and relevant social media buttons (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook) are integrated onto the homepage. There is even a link to Slack, a channel-based messaging platform where event attendees can remain connected. In addition, stakeholders such as exhibitors, sponsors and charities are displayed alongside the attendee’s meeting requests.

Integrate Agenda Functionality and Quick Links into your Explore Page

Perhaps your event has a not-to-be-missed agenda that comprises a star-studded cast of policy makers, industry leaders and agency heads. Why not include the Agenda on your homepage? Or perhaps you want your attendees to carry out a certain action, maybe download a white paper or an e-magazine. Why not include Quick Links on your homepage?

Jublia’s customisable Web App Hub allows you to insert functions that are in line with your goals. Purposeful Call-to-Action buttons generate higher number of clicks and help steer your audience towards the important elements of your event.

That’s not all— Our proprietary recommendations engine, RevRank, provides event attendees with carefully curated prospects. These personalised recommendations may be incorporated into your virtual homepage, creating a focused user experience that is more likely to translate into business conversions.

Cosmoprof Asia Digital Week 2020 and World Palm 2020 utilising Agenda Link and Quick Link on their homepages respectively.

Make the Step towards Effective Landing Pages

Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Every virtual or hybrid event is unique in their own way and careful considerations have to be made when constructing your event’s homepage. With our solutions, you can be confident that your audience will be greeted by a carefully curated landing page which allows them to navigate the platform with ease.

Looking to power your virtual or hybrid event with industry-leading solutions? Speak to us at or get in touch with whoever you know from Jublia!



Amsyar Jailani
Writer for

Marketing Executive at Jublia. I aspire to write thoughtful, well-researched articles that spark conversations amongst people in the event tech industry.