Apple Enters Into iBeacon Hardware… The Game Has Changed

John Coombs
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2014

A recent patent filing suggests apple is entering the iBeacon hardware market. Patents made public on July 4th of this year suggest Apple’s further investment in iBeacon technology. While exciting for the passionate Mac-nerds who follow Apple’s every move, the development speaks to a broader trend of emerging stability in the space of context relevant content that has both developers and brands feeling good about what the future holds.

Apple iBeacon Hardware

Why does this matter?

Many apps (especially those in retail) have lacked context relevant content. What we see on our favourite retail app is, for the most part, the same whether I am standing in that store or on an icebreaker, passing through the arctic ocean. While predecessor technologies such as NFC and QR codes were attempts to solve for a lack of context relevance, these technologies never received the blessing of all powerful and influential Apple. Without onboard hardware and operating system integration on one of the most highly used mobile devices, these technologies never realized their intended potential.

iBeacon is different. With Apple’s operating system level support and implied entrance into micro-location/BLE hardware, they have made a bold proclamation that BLE and iBeacon are the solution to delivering context relevant content and a better mobile user experience. The implications of this are significant. This move will provide greater certainty to businesses, developers, and brands who are looking to invest in solutions to enhance the experience of customers through relevance. With this high level backing, there is greater certainty that their investment in the technology won’t go the way of the QR. A climate of certainty will bring the type of capital and major brand support required to spur innovation and fundamental changes to apps as we have known them.

Check out Rover to learn more about location-based marketing and working with beacons.



John Coombs
Editor for

Business, Startups, Mobile. CEO of and father of three rad dudes.