Juggernaut (JGN): Past, Present, and Future šŸ¦āœŠ

Juggernaut (JGN)
Published in
5 min readMar 17, 2022

Crypto is unpredictable and wild. Whether the market is going up by 400% in 2021 or going down $1.5 trillion since November of last year, volatility is the name of the game. Now is a key turning point for JGN. Itā€™s a moment to to pause and reflect on what we are and what we strive for at Juggernaut (JGN).

Let us walk you through the past (1.5 years+), present, and future of the project: what we have accomplished, what we are doing at the moment, and our vision for the future.

It is in uncertain times when we need to be strong together and push the project forward and up to new heights.

Wild Times

The crypto market has been very volatile recently. The whole market has lost as much as $1.5 trillion in market value since November of last year.

With the global pandemic, and now the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the whole world seems to be in a roller coaster.

Everything moves so fast, and it is very difficult to keep track of all historical events happening, the raises in electricity & oil costs, COVID-19ā€¦

But, it is in these moments that we need to stay calm, because at the end of the day a lot of variables are outside our control.

At Juggernaut, while all these crazy things are happening, we are building and planning our next steps.

We would be lying if we said that this is not affecting us, but at the same time we have been through many different cycles in the crypto space to know this situation is temporary.

Letā€™s explore a bit more about the Juggernaut (JGN) way of looking at things.

Juggernaut Past

Juggernaut is now over 1.5 years old!

Letā€™s take a look at some of the highlights of JGN:

  • 59x ATH (May 2021)
  • $30.5m peak daily volume
  • Top 3 ROI of all BSC (July 2021)
  • Total ecosystem TVL: $38m
  • 50k+ unique holders

Top investors: Binance, Softbank (UK), Goldman Sachs (CA), LD Capital, AVAX Asian Fund (AVATAR)ā€¦

Top partners: Binance Smart Chain, PancakeSwap, Bittrex, BSC News, Chainlink, CCK Ventures, MDEX, TraderJoeā€¦

We have accomplished so much in such amount of time, and we are very proud of the work we have done, but we know the past is in the past, and we need to keep moving forward!

Juggernaut Present

Right now we are focused on going back to the essence of Juggernaut.

We feel that the Metaverse/game positioning is still important for the project. However, we believe that the game cannot fully define the project 100%. Juggernaut is a holistic DeFi project, that has a bigger vision and mission than simply a game.

Moreover, just being and NFT exchange (wheter it be on BSC or AVAX) is not what we feel should define the project as well.

To be clear, we are still developing JuggyLAND (Metaverse game) and pursuing the AVAX expansion. Thatā€™s not going to change.

To be completely honest with our community, we donā€™t see the Metaverse and doing another NFT game taking us to the top tier of projects by itself.

Axie Infinity is one of the best NFT games in the crypto space, and even they seem to be struggling with blockchain gaming and inflation (from $160 in November 2021 to $43 in recent days).

We need to be visionaries, and bring back the DeFi ethos of Juggernaut. We have been always been flexible with a DeFi core, and have been able to adapt to what the market wanted.

In fact, when we launched in August 2020, there was no NFT focus at all, and we were able to pivot to grab the market before going 59x from our IEO.

From studying the market, we see that the initial hype of Metaverse has drastically cooled down.

ā€œIt is no surprise that gaming/metaverse tokens got hit the hardest after the recent hype,ā€ said Lucas Outumuro, head of research at IntoTheBlock. Outumuro said that these tokens are extremely speculative bets, which is evidenced by the high concentration of short-term traders.

Take a look at Facebook, now renamed to Meta, and its historical crash in February of 2022: their one-day crash now ranks as the worst in stock-market history (source).

At Juggernaut we are always examining how the project resources can be allocated in the most efficient and impactful way to benefit the community.

Which takes us to the next chapter: how JGN is going to look like in the future.

Juggernaut Future

Since day one in August 2020, Juggernaut has brought all the components of DeFi, NFT, and Metaverse worlds into a synchronized, and user-friendly experience. That will not change.

We want JGN to be unstoppable DeFi.

Juggernaut is building a friendly and cohesive ecosystem, where all the components interact with each other, and everyone can get access to new innovations.

We also greatly value your feedback and want to integrate that more going forward.

The new JGN is community-first, and more open.

We are going to share with you our vision for the new JGN soon.

In the meantime, take a look below at how we envision the future of Juggernaut could look like, with a new brand, and more focused ecosystem components. Moreover, we see charity and DAO being greater focuses going forward:

We are very excited about the future, even if the market is shaky from time to time. We do not want to just survive, we want to keep moving fast, and continue hunting for new opportunities to thrive.

Remember, a project is only as good as its community. We greatly appreciate your support in this tough times.

However, we must work together, and think about how we can push JGN forward.

Letā€™s keep building together, and take Juggernaut up to new heights!

Strong mind and strong heart! šŸ¦

JGN to the moonā€¦

