Juggernaut Roadmap 2020–2021

Juggernaut (JGN)
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2020

Juggernaut is the first DeFi project that goes beyond the traditional finance industry, into everyday life. We believe DeFi can make a huge impact on different spaces, like communication, transport, or work. Simply recreating outdated financial models is not enough; there needs to be something else.

With this roadmap, our objective is to share with the world how we are going to accomplish our mission: help anyone launch their own business with DeFi.

Many different components make JGN different in the DeFi space. We offer customization and programmability on the generation of synthetics assets, we are focused on non-commodity assets, we have a custom framework for different business use cases, and we can integrate different DeFi capabilities into any project with our modular approach.

JGN Roadmap 2020–2021

Here is a detailed explanation of what we are going to do this year and the next:


“As in every business, especially in the blockchain space, the first steps are crucial. It’s a make-it or break-it moment. That’s why we have created a layered plan of incentives to quickstart the project, both in terms of marketing and network usage”- Nacho Llanillo, Co-Founder of JGN.

  • We plan on listing on a well-known Centralized Exchange. While we believe Decentralized Exchanges are amazing, it’s always best to have every option covered.
  • We will develop a strategy to improve the liquidity of JGN in Uniswap. For decentralized projects, liquidity is a very important matter. There have been a few discussions with the community about this, and we are thrilled with our future plans. We will announce further details soon.
  • We will be partnering with a major marketing agency to help us develop new strategies around the community, social media, and communication.
  • We will have different Yield Farming opportunities for JGN in the upcoming months, including our Genesis Pool.
  • We will launch our NFT Marketplace v1, to offer unique NFTs to the world to buy.
  • We will Launch JuggerSWAP beta, our DeFi, synth and NFT Marketplace.

BSC Integration

  • We will launch JGN tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
  • You must get JGN BSC tokens to participate in our upcoming NFT Farming.
  • We will launch our first Exclusive NFT Collection on BSC featuring a new lottery system for NFTs.
  • We will launch the first Interoperable NFT Marketplace on Binance Smart Chain, using BNB to unlock exclusive content and NFTs.


“2021 will be a year of expansion. We will explore many different amazing opportunities. With our approach, we expect to attract many different participants into our ecosystem”- Nacho Llanillo, Co-Founder of JGN.

  • We will launch our custom synth swap marketplace, with synthetic assets not seen before. We will add the ability to create collateral pools in our protocol.
  • We will introduce the option to delegate your collateral pool stake to Pool Supervisors, to make the whole process of minting synths and providing liquidity easier.
  • We will offer improved Yield Farming opportunities (v2).
  • We will initiate Phases II and III of our project, partnering with ten new DeFi businesses.
  • We will release the first, second and third batches of non-commodity synths into our platform.
  • We will feature our first Exclusive NFT Collection
  • We will develop our custom modular synth creator v1 interface, so anyone can have simpler and easier access to our technology, and add DeFi capabilities into any business.
  • We will launch our modular synth creator v2 interface, with new customization and programmability expansions
  • Lastly, we will start the first approach into Decentralized Governance (v1).

Juggernaut is building a DEFI + NFT infrastructure. JGN is making DeFi and NFTs simple and easy to use for any business use-case. The JGN mission is to help anyone that thinks of a business idea to add customized DeFi and NFTs into its components.

Join the future of how we define and circulate value in the new DeFi paradigm with JGN.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Telegram and Medium for more updates on JGN!

