JuggerSWAP 4th MASSIVE JGN LP Staking Pool! Voted by the dJGN DAO (2nd Vote)🦁🔥🚀

Juggernaut (JGN)
Published in
4 min readApr 21, 2022

The fourth MASSIVE JGN LP staking pool is coming in hot! Stake JGN on PancakeSwap and participate on JuggerSWAP for crazy APYs!

We are very excited about this, as the decision was made by a vote for the second time through our dJGN DAO system 😎

Second DAO vote announcement: https://medium.com/juggernaut-defi/djgn-dao-vote-2-is-here-%EF%B8%8F-eb6c798b40be

Results from the voting: https://snapshot.org/#/djgn.eth/proposal/0x14b7c58e0ec10e9b22ef934d278ef25f2384423c30c33206df55972fcd070517

The community decided that the best option was to do another JuggerSWAP LP Staking Pool, with the same JGN numbers, as it worked really well for the project before!

This new LP Staking Pool on JuggerSWAP will be launching on April 22nd, 2022 at 9 AM EST.

🚨 Participate in JuggerSWAP here: https://juggerswap.jgnnft.com. 🚨

About JuggerSWAP

JuggerSWAP is our staking platform, that was originally launched on Ethereum, and we recently expanded it to BSC. Stake JGN LP tokens from PancakeSwap [LINK] and get JGN tokens!

LP Staking Pool Details

In order to participate in the staking opportunity, you need to add liquidity to the JGN/BNB pair on PancakeSwap, and stake your LP tokens in the pool.

You can add liquidity to JGN on PancakeSwap here: https://pancakeswap.finance/add/0xC13B7a43223BB9Bf4B69BD68Ab20ca1B79d81C75/BNB

Here is a guide published by PancakeSwap on how to add liquidity on the platform: https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/products/pancakeswap-exchange/liquidity-guide

Pool Details:

Start time: April 22nd, 9 AM EST. Stake JGN/BNB to get JGN

Duration: Altogether 60 days, after 30 days halved.

Reward for first 30 days: 8000 JGN per day.

Second 30 days, reward per day: 4000 JGN.

Total Reward: 360,000 JGN.

How To Participate in JuggerSWAP:

🚨 Link to JuggerSWAP: https://juggerswap.jgnnft.com🚨

You can find a full how-to-guide here: https://juggernautdefi.medium.com/full-how-to-guide-juggerswap-bsc-massive-liquidity-pool-9701510ef0a

  1. Create a BEP-20 wallet [Guide]
  2. Add BNB and JGN to the wallet [Guide] (JGN can be bought on Gate, MEXC, PancakeSwap…)
  3. Add liquidity to JGN/BNB pair on PancakeSwap [Guide] https://pancakeswap.finance/liquidity
  4. Connect your wallet to JuggerSWAP [LINK]
  5. Click on “open” and then on “stake tokens”
  6. Select the number of LP tokens that you want to stake
  7. Approve the transaction and let your LP tokens generate JGN!

Should I unstake my LP tokens from the 3rd pool?

The old pool ended on April 12th, so we suggest unstaking and staking in this new pool.

For security reasons, we need to do an independent pool, so it can be audited.

Inside JuggerSWAP

In the main page there’s a button to add liquidity to JGN on PancakeSwap:

In the actual mining pool, you’ll be able to see the current APY, your stake of LP tokens, the TVL, and the number of JGN rewards per day.

Remember that the LP pool opens on April 22nd at 9 AM EST.

As always, the highest APY will be at the start, so don’t forget to join early!

This staking opportunity will allow you to stake LP tokens and earn JGN. Don’t miss out! 💪🦁

🚨 Link to JuggerSWAP 🚨


Stake JGN/BNB on PancakeSwap and get crazy APYs!

JGN is unstoppable DeFi. We are building a friendly an cohesive ecosystem, where all the components are user-first and easy to access.

Invested by Binance, SoftBank (UK), Goldman Sachs (CA), LD Capital, or AVAX Asian Fund (AVATAR) among others, JGN wants to expand its reach across the whole decentralized space.

With DAO, NFT, Games, and Charity components, leading global partners, and a powerful community, JGN continues to revolutionize the DeFi space with powerful innovations.

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