2023 CSP-PO Quick Take-Away II

Juggernaut Liu
Jugg Agile Talk
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2023

In the 2nd lesson, we are talking about

  • How to manage the stakeholders
  • How to analyze the competitors

How to manage the stakeholders

Some ways are similar to how we discover our client requirements, but we try to re-use these ways with our stakeholders so that they could understand or empathize with us. For example, Persona, Empathy Map, Journey Map, etc.

One item that inspired me is “Buy a Feature”.

I know “Buy a Feature” and have used it before, but quick takeaways today :

  • Adjust the budget to 10%~30% of the total price.
  • The less budget, the participants need more negotiation and cooperation
  • Previously, our stakeholders prefer to pass the buck to the Product Team. Let the Product Team coordinate all stakeholders' requests and prioritize them to the one backlog, then stakeholders negotiate with us again. Yeah! how about we could build an environment to pass the buck to them? Let them have to negotiate and cooperate together.

How to analyze the competitors

In this lesson, we are talking about Porter’s Five Forces of Competitive Position Analysis.

Let me remember the Management Course at the university. A quick takeaway today:

  • It looks like a complete competitive analysis template, I should review the detail and practice it again.
  • There seem to be some existing templates, I could find them out.



Juggernaut Liu
Jugg Agile Talk
