Virtual Design Sprint

Juggernaut Liu
Jugg Agile Talk
Published in
5 min readNov 17, 2018

Originally, in the Design Sprint, I think all members have to sit in the same room, attend at the same time, and run all Design Sprint activities together.

However, we achieved an interesting task, running a Virtual Design Sprint together !

It’s an amazing journey this week. Let’s see what we did !

Our Team

It’s our team ! our members locate from Philippines, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Fortunately, we are almost in the same timezone, so we didn’t have the time zone issue, but we still have to solve remote working problems. That’s why we use Mural


Mural is an online tool for the discussion visually anywhere and anytime, so we almost did all the activities on our Mural Board.

Expert Interviews

We listened to the Expert Interviews offline in advanced, and talked about the How Might We questions together online.


Long Term Goal

in 2 years, what is our goal with the most optimistic mind.

Sprint Questions

What things could stop us getting there ?


Before we create new ideas, everybody should be on the same page, so we discovered the current map.

Then we decided the Sprint Scope

Lightning Demo

Before we create new ideas, we need to study others’ ideas first.

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants.


4 Part Sketching

We did the 4 Part Sketching offline. These are my drafts

Votes on Personal Solutions

We pushed our personal solution on our Mural Board, and voted on the winning solution.

User Test Flow

After deciding the winning personal solution, we began to think about the user test flow based on this solution.


We created the final user test flow and proposed the story board. However, we just created the stories here in this stage, but it’s fine. Our designer is very excellent ! They built the prototype based on this story board.


Our designers did the good job for the prototype. What an amazing result !

User Test

We invited 5 testers for the product feedback

We noted all feedbacks on our Mural Board


On Friday, after we finish all activities, we still ran the Retrospective for next improvement.

Amazing Journey

It’s an amazing journey. I have never tried the Virtual Design Sprint before, but we did it, and we did a good job!

This week, I experienced the awesome Virtual Design Sprint, and knew our cool partners, and learnt a lot from them. In addition, I also come up with one cool idea for Design Sprint Business Model !

Anyway, Thank you, my partners, and the host of this Virtual Design Sprint Project, Robert. Thank you Robert. You let me experience an amazing week.

Thank you !

It’s all our partners. Even though we are not in the same room, we work together just like in the same room, and like in the same physical team, because we have the same goal.

I feel so good for co-working with these Design Sprint experts. We all know the process, and don’t hesitate about what we should do. That’s why we did a good job. What an amazing week !



Juggernaut Liu
Jugg Agile Talk
