Git Analysis, Git Internals & GitHub Insights

Benjamin Nothdurft
Java User Group Thüringen
3 min readJan 30, 2018

After an a bit longer than usual introduction by Jonas Hecht and myself about the various ambitions of our Java User Group Thüringen (slides, video) we kicked of the second meetup in Erfurt on 28th of November.

First of all big thanks for the sponsored books to O’Reilly / dpunkt.verlag that we could offer as a give-away to the audience for free. The organizer team as well as our really kind host, KEYWEB, were overwhelmed by the awesome resonance in the local developer community.

Over 55 visitor made it to the location! New Record! This time the technical talk lineup consisted of already 3 speaker from all over Germany (Karlsruhe, Hamburg, Dresden). More pictures and the flyer can be found here.

Visitors, Orga Team and Speakers

Shadows of the Past — Analysis of Git Repositories

Dirk Mahler @dirkmahler (GitHub / Xing), who helps running the JUG Saxony as well as the JUG Saxony Day confernce in Dresden with between 400 and 500 visitors in the last years. He is also a regular speaker our large JavaLand conference.

At our meetup he showed us what we can learn form the history of our own code repositories supported by the tool (@jQAssistant).

Git Internals — A deep dive into the Git Object Database

Christoph Häfner @chr1shaefn3r (GitHub /, a great software engineer at SAP in Walldorf, who is passionate about the Software Craftsmanship movement.

Christoph explained the GIT object database with the help of a node module that he developed ( This tool can visualize each operation which is done via the cli of Git. If you can not get enough form Christoph you may also check out his recorded talk at the C++ User Group Karlsruhe, which had double the length. Slides are in our repo.

Keynote: How GitHub uses GitHub to design, develop and deploy GitHub

Last but not least, Johannes Nicolai @pulipan1( jonico / GitHub / LinkedIn) gave some extraordinary insights into how GitHub operates. Unfortunately we could for legal reasons not record this talk as well. Many participants were excited about the way things work at GitHub, which is now surprise when you have a closer look at his slides.

In the end we had a blast of meetup and hope to see a lot of the visitors again in 2018.



Benjamin Nothdurft
Java User Group Thüringen

Award-winning Keynote Speaker, Community Builder & Transformational Leader | 6x Oracle ACE