Building Microservices Workshop with Spring Boot and Docker by Jonas Hecht and Benjamin Nothdurft

Benjamin Nothdurft
Java User Group Thüringen
2 min readNov 25, 2017

For giving the Java User Group Thüringen some recognition outside of Thuringia we decideded to give a full day workshop in Leipzig. The Developer Open Space is a three day unconference with a scheduled workshop day upfront, where the participants have to sign up for.

Everyone was sooo curious on how to fix all the REST integration tests. Great Java Engineering passion!
Building microservices the fun way — with Spring Boot and Docker rocks!

There, Jonas Hecht and I teached how to build Microservices with Spring Boot and Docker (scroll down for abstract). With our nearly 20 participants we could cover a lot:

  • Spring Framework Intro (Overview, Core, Spring Beans, Dependency Injection)
  • Spring Boot Fundamentals (Starter, Properties, Profiles)
  • Spring Data JPA (Repositories, Query DSL, Object Mapping, Entity Relationships)
  • Spring Data REST (Tools, HTTP Methods, Object Representation, Projections, Events)
  • Spring MVC (Controller, Request Mapping, Serialization, HATEOS)
Spotlight on! We are teaching!!!

In the end everyone succeeded by creating two microservices that talked with each other via REST. The deployment was done via Dockerfiles and Docker Compose and some shell script magic. We think everyone loved it and some even signed up for a conference where we will give talks next. Especially I had a attracted one participant (fan), that could not get enough of my last full day workshop about Docker and Kubernetes given at the Spartakiade earlier this year. We totally enjoyed the experience and think about doing more community engagement ourselves! Here is the code.

Afterwards we met with the usual suspects for the well-deserved beer



Benjamin Nothdurft
Java User Group Thüringen

Award-winning Keynote Speaker, Community Builder & Transformational Leader | 6x Oracle ACE