JUG Thüringen Interview with Benjamin Nothdurft and Corina Pahrmann from O’Reilly

Benjamin Nothdurft
Java User Group Thüringen
2 min readNov 25, 2017

In the beginning of November we were given the opportunity to do an interview with the one and only O’Reilly publisher that all software engineers know and highly appreciate. You can read the full article here (in German sadly but here is the Google translated version in English).

Strike, we were the leading header article at http://blog.oreilly.de for at least 2 days.

One of the benefits for investing so much time for doing a full interview was that our user group from now on receives care packages with books, books and more books plus some gimmicks like team calenders etc.

And not just any book but the ones that we request for our community. To finally give them out to our loyal members and event participants all they need to do is write a short but precise book review according to the guidelines of O’Reilly and afterwards send us the text! That’s it. And then everyone can keep his book forever! Isn’t this great news! Thanks Corina Pahrman and O’Reilly for making this dream come true for all our fellow Java engineers!

Besides that we also made it to the frontpage of blog.oreilly.de but also www.oreilly.de as well which was kind of exciting, too!

Hmmm, how might it feel to be on the frontpage of www.oreilly.de for a whole week? Yes, just great as hell!



Benjamin Nothdurft
Java User Group Thüringen

Award-winning Keynote Speaker, Community Builder & Transformational Leader | 6x Oracle ACE