Giving = Happiness

Inbal Shurer Ramati
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2018

There is a saying, “May we always be on the giving side.”
I thank my good fortunes for being able to give.

About two years ago, I volunteered in the children department in a major hospital. As I was face painting one of the boys, I saw a young doctor pleasantly move from bed to bed checking up on the tiny patients.
I looked at that doctor, working to save lives. She spent seven hard years and an infinite amount of hours to do just that. And me? I’m quite intelligent. Why didn’t I go to Med school and made myself a doctor?! Look at the young woman doing such precious work and me; I set there looking at my colorful pallet and in one of those questionable moments, felt like I’m no good.
As she approached us, I was painting one of the boys into a superhero. I told her how amazed I was with her work.
She smiled and told me,” I could never make them this happy, You provide cure to their spirits and soul, you give them their smile back, and that’s what helps me cure their bodies.”
She admired MY work… I was very moved…
I don’t know her name, but she changed me. I finished the day with very high sprites, smiling and laughing with all those kids.

NEVER underestimate what it is you have to give.
To someone sick your ability to make a chicken soup can be the best thing in life.
To the Elderly, giving an hour of your time to listen to their stories, is the most precious gift.
To a child that is looking at the ice cream van with huge eyes, a dollar for an ice-pop will mean the world.

“Generosity and happiness improve individual well-being and can facilitate societal success. However, in everyday life, people underestimate the link between generosity and happiness and therefore overlook the benefits of pro-social spending. “
Full study article

Giving others, The Study showed that even the idea of being generous, the idea of giving others makes that part of your brain light up with endorphins and makes you happy. That warm fuzzy feeling of doing good for others benefits you.

How radical and unsurprising, By helping others, we help ourselves.
I try to give something everyday, It makes me happy, why shouldn't I.
I try out new skills, I polish and better myself at others,
I practice Calligraphy, experiment food, new makeup and braiding
techniques, and give it to family, friends and at times to total strangers.

Think of something you can give this week, It’ll do wonders i’m sure, what will benefit others the most? What will give them value? give them your value. what will it be? Your time? Your skill? Your money?

Next week I will write you about getting lost and why it’s not necessarily a bad thing and would like to share with you a fundamental problem I used to have. Seeking help.
Till then, live long and prosper.



Inbal Shurer Ramati
Editor for

In one word, Vivacious in two, enternal optimist. to know me? read more.