TIME, SKILL, FUNDS, what do you need ?

Inbal Shurer Ramati
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2018

Let’s dive in to history for a second, promise it’ll be brief and painless.
A while back people used to know who you are by the place of your origins, ever heard of Leonardo Da Vinci, shocking, but Vinci is where he was from. It was news to me too, I know!

The Right village/ county surname was what will make sure you’ll make it.

After the industrial revolution people started to introduce one another and themselves by their profession. There were multiple opportunities for those seeking to work and study to promote themselves with a glass ceiling again depending where you are from and who you know.
something like, this is my friend Haley she’s an Art teacher, this is Valeria, she’s an Architect.

Why Am I telling you this? I’m getting there.
We are at the dawn of a new age, it’s not as ominous as it sounds, many futurists speak of the automation, the jobs that will be taken over by Robots, according to an Oxford study The Future of Employment, published in 2013, Carl Bendikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne found that 47% of the total jobs in the US are at risk.

Can you imagine yourself without a profession? Without work, who will you be without your job title?
I believe people are more than their job title, they have multiple skills, interests, hobbies, friends, connections, it’s no joke that in religion you may find the saying that saving one person is like saving a whole world.

As you read these lines I would love you to stop and imagine you won the lottery! Yes, you have no financial problems. You’ll be able to get your own place, you can take care of your parents when they are older, your kids/ future kids are taken care of, there is a roof over your head and food on the table. Now, after traveling, shopping, investing you wake up in the morning to do?
___________ BINGO.

That answer, that is your call. Maybe it’s becoming a teacher? Maybe in finally writing that book you dreamed about since you read the Hobbit? Saving the Animals in Africa? Volunteer after disasters? Or maybe you have a game you once thought about many years ago and now you can make it in to an app? master drawing on illustrator? Learn to cook?

What is your passion? what is your dream work? Did you ever think that your natural skills are incredibly valuable to others? Or maybe it’s your free time, the most precious gift you may give someone is your time.
What if I told you that soon, (we’re working on it, day and night, promise) there will be a place for you to try out any skill you want? Try every project that comes to your mind, that you could understand how much interest people have in your idea, that you can find funds there, that you may fund other inspiring projects, that you have all the tools to aid you to make a long lost dream in to a product in the real world. A place that will match you to the best team for you, and your idea. Where you can meet like minded people. Take all the multiple sites existing today, and merge them in to one cohesive platform that makes it all possible.

Think of crowd wisdom, crowd funding, crowd sourcing and the shared economy, it’s time for the next thing, the one that will hold it all together. It only makes sense.
Welcome to the new world of crowd support, we call it JUGUMI.

The grand news, it’s almost here for you.
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Inbal Shurer Ramati
Editor for

In one word, Vivacious in two, enternal optimist. to know me? read more.