Almost Forgot to Reflect — Quarter 3 of 2023

Tyler Hackbart
Juice Box Monkey Designs
3 min readOct 29, 2023
Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

This quarter was so jam-packed and so many things were going on that we almost forgot to reflect. Our biggest update has to be our first app from our new Just Apps series (with more to come, sneak peek below) but there were some other great new things this quarter too that deserve a spotlight.

Released Just Shopping

Just Shopping

Elevator Pitch: Why do all apps have to be constant updates and change experiences constantly to stay relative? Why can’t an app just be an app?

This is our first app as part of the Just Apps series of apps where we focus on the user, not tracking and shoving ads in everyone’s faces. With Just Shopping you can collect all your items to buy in one spot and access them when it’s time to buy.

A Bunch of New Service Reviews (New category as well)

Service Reviews

Over the years we have access to and used a lot of services that are supported to help businesses succeed… or that’s at least what they are trying to sell. Well some do help business, some very much do and there are things you should be aware of before you jump in with two feet.

It started with e-commerce service reviews since a lot of our customers used these services. However, as businesses have grown we have seen an uptick in management apps help as well. So we started to review business software as well now, check them and many more out now.

Smartie Home

It has been a huge hobby over the last decade to test and use smart technology in our households and suggest to others how they can make smart changes to their homes.

As the world of smart technology is changing (for the better) with the introduction of Matter it’s a constantly changing and constantly new thing to see and adapt to your home. Now as much as we love smart things, there are also still bugs and issues which we have faced so we thought we let others know the positives and negatives of those solutions.

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And if you have an issue and want a smartie solution, reach out to us and let’s see if we can find a smart solution using smart technology.

Sneak Peek — Coming Soon

Elevator Pitch: A simple way to capture post it notes without using post it notes.

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