Ian Sagabaen
Juice & Snacks
Published in
Mar 8, 2021

Mar 7, 2021

Add this to another COVID hobby I wanted to try — bonsai. YouTube recommendations are a funny thing. You go down that rabbit hole watching DIY videos, & suddenly you’re watching 30-minute videos of a professional bonsai master in the UK whipping up these mini tree masterpieces.

So today, I made a visit to a local garden nursery, found a small plant that would look great as a mini tree, a cheap plastic pot, took some thin wire to alter the shape of the tree, & came out with this. Historically, I’ve been pretty bad about keeping plants alive, so crossing my fingers this one grows old.

Ian Sagabaen
Juice & Snacks

User experience designer for major Bay Area tech companies. Greatest sign maker of the MLB. First name rhymes with ‘lion’.