Early adopters

Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2022

And early access… When did it become popular? It enables you to launch a product while it is still being developed, and provide context to users that the product should be considered “unfinished.”

Early access became popular with games

Having a digital product is different than having a physical one. It becomes ‘alive’ on day one of development and can be shown around, just like a picture of a new born baby. Digital products, especially those that follow methodologies such as scrum and agile, are constantly evolving. It is built upon a purpose that the creators envisioned. But to create something people will buy and love is hard. At first it isn’t even clear what the actual needs are of people. Product-Market fit has been identified as the number one reason for startup failure, that is, nobody needs what you are selling.

Awesome info graphic from Failory where they analyse startups

Many product launches unfortunately still use the “build it and they will come” approach, failing to gain traction and eventually fizzling out. For Juiice it is important that we develop proper tone of voice, brand awareness, educate creators on our offering to drive demand and identify the key marketing channels.

Our team, advisers, and community are built from crypto enthusiasts. Expertise and involvement in many different projects during the last decade. Since we have so many ‘boots in the ground’ it is the best course of action to continue in this sphere. Our niche audience will be NFT and crypto communities. NFTs are here to stay because they are part of a larger interest in developing the ‘metaverse’ and don’t just impact the collectables space but extend trustless ownership and verification to a variety of other domains.

