Watching the Juiice flow

Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2022

In our last posts we have looked at the properties that wallets should have, in order to be
able to handle your Juiice tokens once they are distributed as BEP20 contract on the BNB
Smart Chain (BSC). Today we will focus on the transactions on the BSC network itself, and
particularly, how to watch them.
What Is BscScan?
BNB Smart Chain Explorer (BscScan) is a product from EtherScan, made as block explorer and
analytics platform for the BNB Smart Chain (usually called Binance Smart Chain).
The BscScan website allows you to follow your transactions, search inside blocks, find wallet
addresses, study smart contracts, and analyse other on-chain data. BscScan is the most popular BNB
Smart Chain explorer and can be used free of charge and by anyone with internet access.
Getting familiar with how to use the block explorer, will help you to follow the upcoming Juiice
ecology, by being able to trace movements, see rich-lists and follow your transactions from and to
your wallet, while the block containing it is still validating. You see live how interactions on the BNB
Smart Chain and connected software, like wallets, and dApps are processed.
How can I find information on the explorer?
To use BscScan, you’ll need -a link to- a wallet address, a transaction ID (TXID), or the number of a
block on the chain, or a smart contract address, and paste it in the browser or into the search field
on the website. This will display what you have been looking for.
Why should I learn to use BscScan?
BscScan is a well-known, safe and established block explorer for the BNB Smart Chain that allows
you to check on-chain information so you can see what’s going on with your tokens, NFTs, fees,
confirmation times and transactions. In addition, the blockchain explorers offer analytics, insight in
the contracts and an overview of the transactions involving DEX exchanges.
Using the token tracker can help you to find detailed information about the number of transactions,
list the addresses of token holders and the amounts they own. Very often you can also identify the
wallets of centralized and decentralized exchanges, so you get some idea of the available liquidity
and see large movements of tokens that could indicate that someone is selling or buying.
Of course, you can also see what the founders of a project are doing with their tokens, which makes
it all very transparent and gives the holders and investment in BSC BEP20-tokens an extra tool to
find out if a team is working properly and following the road map.
By watching the Juiice flow on the block explorer (once JUC is out!), you will be able to attain crucial
information about your possessions, other investors, third-party custodians, and the founding team.
Information that empowers you and that can give you insights about what is going on behind the
scenes of the otherwise invisible digital network. See the Juiice, taste the Juiice, let the Juiice flow.
Keep hanging on — soon the bear market will be over and a new Juiicy era can start!
- BNB Smart Chain Explorer —
- Juiice Website —
- Juiice White Paper —
- BscScan Helpdesk & Information Portal —

