The Best Damn Esports Events Calendar

Ben Goldhaber
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2019

UPDATE: The original Google Calendar is no longer being updated, however, we have even more esports events, schedules, sorting options, and calendar information over at The best damn esports calendar now lives on Juked :)

One of my team’s most important jobs during my time at Twitch was to maintain our internal events calendar. This calendar was a beast; it was a single source of truth for the biggest events and streams across the platform, including esports, major game launches, conventions, and more. We tracked hundreds of events every year.

One thing always frustrated me about this part of my job though. Here, we had this incredible resource for the most editorially important events across all of Twitch, yet it was just an internal resource. No one outside the company could use it.

This leads us to today.

We’re building Juked, and I’ve been returning to some of my old habits. I’ve been building a new new master calendar from scratch, a new beast, for internal purposes only, to ensure Juked features all of the biggest esports events across our newsletter, social media, and of course the website itself. When it suddenly dawned on me…

I’m spending all of this time, again, on another resource that will be for internal use only…

Alright voice in my head, I see where you’re going with this. You want me to publish this calendar publicly.

Well you know what? This is my baby. So I will.

Without further ado, The Best Damn Esports Events Calendar, ever.

It may just be a Google Sheet, but it’s my Google Sheet ❤

This is low-tech, and clearly not a perfect solution. But I do believe this may very well be one of if not the best general esports calendar on the entire internet in terms of the breadth of games covered and the editorial significance of each event. So please enjoy.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • This calendar is just our subjective take on the biggest and most important events to watch/follow every week.
  • The goal is to identify the top handful of events that any kind of esports fan might be interested in watching each week.
  • I’ve set a pretty high bar, because if we didn’t, there would be dozens of events every single week and it would be practically useless. But decisions can’t simply be made due to the prize pool, # of attendees, or expected viewership. If we went by such rigid metrics we’d be missing some really quality stuff, especially for smaller games but games that deserve your attention nonetheless. So we’re doing our best, with a bit of an editorial spin.
  • If there is a major event that is objectively important that we’re still missing, please send us the details via this form.

If you like what you’re seeing, make sure to subscribe to Juked’s weekly newsletter, and join like-minded esports fans on Juked’s official community Discord server.


