American Culture

Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2021

Hello! After working on the new unit in English classes, I learned the fact that surprised me a lot. Now I want to share it with you.

What is associated with the United States? What comes to mind when you say America? Maybe freedom, democracy, the ocean, fast food, Hollywood, money, a dream… And of course, New York, Washington, San Francisco, LA! But it turns out, together with San Francisco, New York is the most un-American city in the United States!

New York

There are many foreigners living in these cities, you can visit a Scandinavian shop, meet Indian women on the streets, Spaniards playing guitar on crowded pavements. It’s not like the US, is it? Yes, New York has skyscrapers, American billboards, but the mix of tolerant cultures is so great that Seattle will seem more americanized than New York.


This fact surprised me a lot, because New York has always been the most American city, and it is from there you need to start getting acquainted with American culture. Now, I’ll think about which city to start with, and not the fact that it will be the Big Apple.



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

Hello! I’m a student of LUNN. Here I’ll post useful and relevant information, interesting articles and materials. Read and enjoy! I hope you will like it!