American Interjections

Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2019

Hello everyone! Let’s talk about the parts of speech without which we can not imagine a talk with friends, communication in social networks. About the interjections!

Surely you have heard about the service parts of speech in Russian — О! Вау! Класс! Супер! Ага! Ура!

But the Americans don’t speak Russian, which means they have their own interjections. Let’s see what they are.

  • Wow! (Russian — Класс!) — This is used to express surprise.
  • Uh-oh! (Russian — Uh-oh!) — It signals concern or dismay.
  • Oops! (Russian — Упс!) — This one calls attention to an error or fault.
  • Eek! (Russian — АААА!) — Yes, it is very unpleasant surprise.
  • A-ha! (Russian — Ага!) — Triumph or surprise, or perhaps derision (Ага! Попался! Так тебе!)
  • Gosh, also Man! Boy! Oh, my goodness! (Russian — О Боже! Чёрт!) — This interjection there is in every language. Surprise, frustration, indecision — always you can say this phrase.
  • Ouch! (or ow) (Russian — Ай! Ой!) — It signals pain or is a response to a harsh word or action.
  • Rats! (Russian — Блин!) — It is very popular word among Russians. Anger and frustration.

It is not many rats!!!)))

  • Yuck! (Russian — Фее!) — This interjection is also spelled yech or yecch. It signals disgust. (Not to be confused wih yuk, a laugh.)
  • Aw! (Russian — Оу!) — Dismissive or indicative of disappointment.
  • Aaawww! (Russian — Оооууу!) — Sympathy or adoration.
  • Hey! (Russian — Эй!) — It can be used to ask for repetition or call for attention. Also, expression of surprise or exultation.
  • Ugh! (Russian — Фее! Фу!) — An exclamation of disgust.
  • Whoa! (Russian — Ого! Воу!) — A call to stop or an exclamation of surprise or relief.
  • Huh (Russian — Хе-хе-хе!) — disbelief, confusion, or surprise.
  • Huh? (Russian — Э? Что? А?) — A request for repetition.
  • Ew! (Russian — Фу!) — It denotes disgust, intensified by the addition of one or more e’s and/or w’s: Eeeww!
  • Yay! (Russian — Ура!) — As you may have guessed it is a congratulatory exclamation.
  • Argh! (Russian — Чёрт! Проклятье!) — It is about frustration.
  • Ah! (Russian — Ах!) — You can use it when you want to express positive emotions like relief or delight.
  • Ooh! (Russian — Ооо! Ух ты! Воу!) — It conveys interest or admiration, or, alternatively, disdain.
  • Uh-uh! (Russian — А-а! Неа!) — It is the sound of negation or refusal.
  • Yikes! (Russian — Ой! Фу!) — An expression of fear or concern, often used jokingly.
  • Whew! (Russian — Фух!) — Disgust, tiredness, relief, or amazement.
  • Duh! (Russian — Да неужели! Ещё бы!) — This one is used for showing somebody else is dense.
  • Neener-neener! (Russian — Ни-ни-ни!) — It is often uttered in a series of three repetitions. Also it is a taunt.
  • Hush! (Russian — Тссс!) — Be quiet!

I hope this article was useful. Diversify your speech, use interjections!



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

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