Fahrenheit 451˚

Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
4 min readOct 20, 2019

Hello! For the past month, I’ve been reading Ray Bradbury’s book, Fahrenheit 451˚ in English. And now I would like to share my impressions with you, as well as tell you a little about the book. Maybe, you’ll want to read this wonderful book after reading this article. Let’s go!

I’ve wanted to read this book for a long time, but as people say, my hands did not reach. And now I have a great opportunity to read the book in the original. My groupmates and I chose this book, because

  • thanks to it we can learn many useful phrases and words,
  • this is real American English,
  • this book has a great author,
  • and, of course, we were interested in the plot.

I expected this book to be hard to read, so I was initially opposed. I do not really like books about war, so I was preparing for tedious and boring reading.

But fortunately, my expectations did not come true. This is really interesting book. The plot is built very dynamically, the story captures from the first seconds. The characters are very intriguing, you empathize with everyone, regardless of whether he is good or bad.

So I’m completely happy with the book and will gladly continue to read it. And I advise you too.

And for greater interest, I will give you one of the most memorable quotes from the book from the first chapter.

This is the age of the disposable tissue. Blow your nose on a person, wad them, flush them away, reach for another, blow, wad, flush.”

This quote is important both in the book and for every society. This cannot be allowed to become true, man is the Supreme being. But already in our days quote is beginning to be fulfilled. For example, these days people sell human organs, kill for no reason, wealthy people do not respect others. We must stop this, or it will be too late. We must treat each other with respect, understanding, help each other.

  • And what do you think?
  • Is this quote relevant today or not yet?
  • What can people do to avoid this?
  • Do you remember periods in the history of your country when similar things happened?

To this quote, the episode described at the beginning of the first chapter is well comparable. When the main character Mr. Montag comes home, he finds his wife unconscious. It turned out that she mechanically drank too many sleeping pills. However, in modern society, described by Ray Bradbury, this problem is solved very quickly. It is enough to call an ambulance team, they using the latest equipment, which will tidy up any patient. So it happened with the hero’s wife. And during the procedure the hero thought: The entire operation was not unlike the digging of a trench in one’s yard. The woman on the bed was no more than a hard stratum of marble they had reached. Go on, anyway, shove the bore down, slush up the emptiness, if such a thing could be brought out in the throb of the suction snake.”

I think this episode is the plot of the plot. These thoughts make the hero think about the world in which he is, this episode touches by some strings of his soul. And also we, readers, we understand what kind of world this story is happening in, we begin to understand the actions of heroes, are horrified, but with interest, what will continue to be read.

One more important episode — woman died with her books, also shows how insignificant and unimportant people are in the modern world.

So I told you a little about the book. I admire her and advise everyone to read it in the original.

Run to read!



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

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