Interesting Facts About Europe

Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2020

Hello! Today I’ve took the interesting quiz about facts about European countries. Today I would like to share with you some information and my results. Let’s start!

Most of all, I was surprised by the fact about Switzerland, namely about rabbits. The Swiss are not only friendly and intelligent people, but also great animal lovers, and their laws look out for their furry friends. Rabbits — along with other pets such as guinea pigs and parakeets — are social animals, so the Swiss are required to keep more than one at a time to make sure they don’t get lonely or depressed. Companies in Switzerland even provide rental pets in case one passes away and you need a stand in whilst you find a new one. I think this caring for animals is worthy of respect!

The next fact I knew, but this information is really amazing! We are all used to the jungle in America, where the Amazon flows, in other tropical countries. But did you know that there is the jungle in Europe? Yes, it is amazing! The jungle is found in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is home to a great number of rare and endemic species. But access to the jungle is restricted, and you are only able to visit with a licensed tour guide. But this is not a problem, you will still be able to see this stunning beauty!

The last fact I would like to tell you about concerns a beautiful Northern country — Iceland. It is an island state located in the West of Northern Europe in the North Atlantic ocean, in the North and northeast Iceland is washed by the Arctic ocean. Do you feel cool?) Iceland’s climate is marine, moderately cool, with strong winds, humid and changeable. But despite the humidity, Iceland is actually Mosquito free! The climate in Iceland and lack of shallow ponds makes for a completely unsuitable environment for mosquitoes. This fact is sure to make many jealous of the Icelandic! It is a great reason to move to Iceland if you hate these nasty midges.

These facts and others were very informative. There was a lot of new information. I had only 6/10 in this quiz. It’s time to refresh some knowledge about European countries!



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

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