Once Upon a Time. Season 1

Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
5 min readFeb 2, 2020

Hello everyone! As you know, during the holidays I decided to once again plunge into the atmosphere of a fairy tale and continue to watch one of my favorite series. However, I am now on season 4. But today I want to tell you about the first one, refresh my memories and share some information with you. Let’s go!

The Plot of Season 1

In our days in Boston, a single woman Emma Swan works as a guarantor and collector. When Emma blows out the candle on the cupcake in honor of his 28th birthday and makes a wish on her doorstep appears 10-year-old boy, Henry (Jared S. Gilmore), who claims that he is her son, whom she gave up for adoption. Not wanting to have to life the boy’s relationship, Emma agrees to drive him back home in a town called Storybrooke in Maine. Along the way, Henry shows her a large book of fairy tales, insisting that all the stories in the book are real. When they arrive in Storybrooke, Henry informs her that all the people in town are actually fairy tale characters, brought into this world with a curse of the Evil Queen, but they don’t remember who they really are. Henry thinks Archie Hopper is Jiminy cricket from the tale of Pinocchio and his school teacher Mary Margaret Blanchard — Snow White. Henry is convinced that Emma is the daughter of Snow and Prince Charming who sent her so she was protected from a powerful curse the Evil Queen, the curse in which she will be the only one happy ending. Because of the curse in Storybrooke time did not go (clock of the city all the time says 8:15) with no memory of their former selves — except for the Queen, who is the local mayor and the adoptive mother of Henry — Regina Mills (her real name). Emma refuses to believe in the “theory” and returns Henry home, but then decides to stay in town for a week, and the clock hands start to move for the first time in 28 years. Gradually she begins to understand the truth of Henry. This was preceded by some interesting events, including meeting with Mr. gold, Cinderella and so on. This storyline is intertwined with scenes from the past when shown the fairy world, forgotten heroes with the events that precede the curse.

Will Emma save the town? What role in all does Mr. gold play? Who are the parents of Emma? Will win good or evil? Watch and learn!!!

Meantime, read interesting facts, quotes, learn new words, to make sure that this series deserves your time.


  • Viewers, critics noted first of all that the TV series does not contain scenes of sex, violence, which has become a rarity. Usually such projects are not popular with the adult population, they are only interesting for children and teenagers. With “Once in a fairy tale” everything is different, the TV project keeps in suspense from the very beginning, the series became interesting to a wide audience, despite the fact that the creators did not intend to create a fairy tale for adults.
  • The book, owned by Henry, contains many colorful watercolor illustrations. It’s not just computer printing. These are drawings specially designed for a TV project. The artist was Joao Lemos — one of the authors of the famous marvel comics.
  • Mary Blanchard (Snow White) is named for a reason. In French, “blank” means white, and the name Mary was a woman who became the prototype of a fairy-tale girl. The evil Queen’s name is Regina, which means “Queen” in Latin. As for little Red Riding Hood, her name in the series is Ruby, which symbolizes the ruby — a red gemstone.
  • Rumpelstiltskin’s unusual voice was invented by the screenwriter after he accidentally overheard his son at night. The latter wandered around the house, muttering something, making unusual, high-pitched sounds. The idea came to mind immediately, the man decided to embody unusual sounds on the screen.
  • The character captain Hook only appeared in the second season, although he was present in the script from the first. The creators had difficulties with the copyright of the hero, so the storyline of the hero had to be rewritten.
  • Two main stars of the show were wed. Ginnifer Goodwin and Joshua Dallas met on set, and once they were caught kissing. There were rumors about the romance of “Snow White” and “Prince”. They started dating, got married in 2014, and had a son in may of the same year.


  • “Love has killed more than any desease.”
  • “Every magic has a price.”
  • “Do you know what the problem with this world is? Everyone wants to solve problems magically, but everyone refuses to believe in magic!”
  • “People with common goals can do a lot. People who have a common enemy can do the impossible.”
  • “A woman whose heart is broken can do incredible things.”

Some new words:

  • eternity — вечность
  • vow — клятва
  • Kind of a loner. — У меня нет друзей.
  • fix’em = fix them
  • to ease your mind — утешить
  • an infant — младенец
  • a shrink — мозгоправ
  • enchanted forest — Зачарованный лес
  • to abuzz — гудеть, распускать слухи

So, I hope this post was useful for you and you finally decide to watch this series.

Good luck!



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

Hello! I’m a student of LUNN. Here I’ll post useful and relevant information, interesting articles and materials. Read and enjoy! I hope you will like it!