Reflections on Future Work/Tourism in LUNN: where then?

Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
4 min readNov 21, 2019

“What am I?”Who am I in this world?”Why do I live?” “Who do I want to be?”

I asked myself these questions more than once. And now it’s time to think carefully about the answer to them. My future depends on it. I want to tell you how I came to the direction of tourism and who you and I can work in this field.

During my admission, I chose between several areas: political science, foreign regional studies, linguistics and tourism. The second and third were excluded almost immediately and simultaneously. I realized that I did not have enough perseverance and time to learn languages ​​from the very basics. In addition, I wanted the language to be only one of the main tools in my work, and not the work itself. (But still I wanted to speak several languages ​​at a good level, so I chose LUNN). And my choice was between political science and tourism. Both directions were close to me. But I managed to choose. It was unusual, but productive.

In one day in the evening I was sitting and watching the broadcast from a music event — VK FEST. At one point, I realized that I want to become part of such events. No, not as an artist, but as an organizer. To receive guests from other cities and countries, arrange a cool holiday for them. So I settled on tourism. I hope that I didn’t make the wrong choice.


  • Destination: Tourism
  • Profile: Tourism Services

But the choice of direction is only a small step into the future. Ahead of the choice of profession. Tourism includes professions in the field of tourism services and hotel business.

Hotel business and tourism are very well developed today and continue to develop further. Tourism professions are in demand in the labor market. Specialties in the field of tourism require legal literacy, knowledge of the specifics of hotel activities, the geographical characteristics of the place, hotel ratings, foreign languages, the basics of management and economics, business planning.

In the field of tourism, work has many advantages:

  • when you start your own business, you can organize employment on a free work schedule,
  • regular business trips to foreign countries (and maybe moving to a permanent place of living abroad),
  • the opportunity to start development in the professional field from starting positions and improve skills,
  • formation of a wide network of business contacts with representatives of different countries,
  • the possibility of creative expression,
  • interesting disciplines during studying,
  • high salary and many others.

Of course, as in any other area, there are some minuses:

  • multitasking,
  • irregular working hours,
  • the dependence of wages on seasonality,
  • the need to resolve customer conflicts,
  • have to spend a lot of time on my feet.

But I think it’s worth it. It’s very interesting. In addition, workers in this area have high wages and a wide range of professions. Here are just a few of them:

  • tour operator,
  • specialist in charge of sightseeing,
  • hotel administrator,
  • guide-interpreter,
  • PR manager,
  • manager of a cafe or restaurant,
  • event organizer,
  • brand manager,
  • hostess,
  • various types of management.

You can also open your own business: hotel, night club, travel agency, restaurant, etc.

I think everyone, including me, will be able to find something to their liking.

But do not forget that for this area you just need knowledge of foreign languages.

So, go to learn them and choose a profession in the field of tourism!



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

Hello! I’m a student of LUNN. Here I’ll post useful and relevant information, interesting articles and materials. Read and enjoy! I hope you will like it!