
Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2019
It’s our team!

Hello to all! Do you like quests, various games, team tasks? Our university family — yes. This Tuesday our group (tourism) have participated in the interesting quest organized by our teachers.

We divided into teams and got tasks. It was necessary to find different places in our university and take a selfie with them. Think everything is so simple? No matter how!

It’s easy to get lost at our university, especially when you first started studying here. So, for example, the buildings are not arranged in order. From the 3rd you will get to the 1st (do not be surprised that when you move from the fourth floor you will be on the third), which leads to the 4th, and that, in turn, ends 2nd. And the exits from each building lead to different streets. But that is not all. The library of our university is located in 9 classrooms and is hidden throughout the university. It is impossible to find it without preliminary preparation!

Therefore, I, like everyone else, is grateful to the faculty for this game that helped us better navigate the place of our study. Having rallied, having recognized each other, by joint efforts we found libraries, the assembly hall, the gym, the Deans of various faculties, the Confucius Institute, the Monument of Dobrolyubov, numerous crossings, the dining room, the accountant’s office, the trade union, theatrical studio and much more.

the Monument of Dobrolyubov(an excellent landmark for beginners)
Blue transition — a great way to quickly get from one building to another without going outside
One of the departments of the library

In addition, all assignments were in English, which allowed us to practice translation.

It was very interesting, fun and informative. The “tour” at the institute was accompanied by fun, learning new English words, finding new friends and,of course, a selfie!

Special thanks I want to say to all the older students who helped us with pleasure!



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

Hello! I’m a student of LUNN. Here I’ll post useful and relevant information, interesting articles and materials. Read and enjoy! I hope you will like it!