The Correct Pronunciation of The Names of Popular Brands

Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
4 min readFeb 7, 2020

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about the pronunciation of foreign brand names. Are you sure you pronounce the names of top companies correctly? Let’s check it out!

  1. Hermes

A well-known brand of bags and shawls, which are very loved by women around the world, does not sound correctly [gɚ’mes] and especially not [hɚ’məs]. There are people who pronounce it as [ɚmə] mand from the point of view of the grammar of the French language, this is correct, but there is one detail — the name was chosen not because of the God of trade, but in honor of the founder — Thierry Hermes, so it is correct to sound it [ɚ’mæs].

2. Christian Louboutin

The brand of shoes that many girls dream of is often called incorrectly. A huge number of people, and even those who are interested in fashion, make mistakes in the pronunciation of the surname, for example, [ləbu’tæn] or [lʊbʊ’tæn]. The real name of the designer is pronounced [lubu’ten].

3. Porsche

A car brand whose name is often misrepresented. It was chosen in honor of the company’s founder, Ferdinand Porsche, so it is correct to say [‘pɔɚʃə] with an emphasis on the first syllable. Many people either put the accent wrong or don’t pronounce the last sound [ə].

4. Agent Provocateur

Translating a well-known brand of underwear, many are guided by the rule-both see and read, so they say [ˈeɪdʒənt prəvəkə’tɚ]. Although the brand is located in the UK, its owner insists that the name should be pronounced in the French manner, so the correct option is [ə’ʒɑn prəvəkə’tɚ].

5. Samsung

Shocking information, especially for fans of this brand’s technology. Russian-speaking people pronounce it as [səm’sung], but according to the rules you need to say [’sɑmsəŋ], putting emphasis on the first syllable. Translated, the name means “three stars”.

6. Nike

Few people know that the name of this brand has a connection with the goddess of victory Niki, and in the original it sounds like [’naɪki]. In Europe and on the territory of the former CIS countries, many, because of ignorance of this fact and the English language, pronounce [’naɪk]. It is surprising that the wrong name is so popular that it is used even for the official representation of the company in Russia.

7. Xerox

Many will be surprised that the most popular manufacturer in the field of printing technologies is not pronounced [’ksɛɚəks]. It would be interesting to see the bewilderment of sellers in the store if they are asked to show a new model of [’ziɚouks].

8. Hyundai

Many people will not believe it now, but the common car brand is not called [hun’daɪ] or [hən’daɪ]. According to the correct Russian transcription, the name sounds like [hɛn’dɛ], with the emphasis on the last syllable. During advertising, the brand is usually not called, but simply written, so the correct option for many people is a mystery.

9. Garnier

Most often, people pronounce [r] at the end of the name, which is fundamentally incorrect, since this letter is not pronounced in French. Good examples: Gaultier, Couturier, which means that the correct pronunciation is [gɑɚ’nyɛ].

10. Daewoo

Translated into Russian language, this huge conglomerate called “Great U”, named after the founder Kim Woo Chong. And as for pronunciation, instead of [d], you need to pronounce [t] — [’tɛu].

11. UGG

[ug] you might say. Yes, everyone in Russia says that. And, by the way, you know that this is an Australian brand. For a moment, it’s almost always warm in Australia. How they managed to invent such “boots”.

Let’s go back to the name. Correctly [ɑg]. Yes!


It is very simple.

The transription is [ ’ædɪdəs].

I think it’s time to end. Learn! And when you talk to foreigners, speak correctly! Good luck!



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

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