The End Of The First Year of Student Sife

Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2020

Hello! Today I want to tell you about my life during the second semester, about my achievements, successes, failures, what I managed to achieve and what is still worth working on. Let’s start!

  1. Regime, plan, responsibility.

I coped with this task. After I began to plan my day more carefully, I had more free time. Also, I stopped delaying the implementation of important tasks. After all, the faster you start, the faster you finish!

2. English, English and a little Russian for English.

It’s not as smooth as I’d like it to be. I started to study more English, I didn’t miss classes for no reason, I read additional literature, but I need more. Besides, I didn’t practice my spoken English very often. I hope in the future, I will be able to cope with this task better!

3. Public activity.

Due to the coronavirus, it was not possible to participate in many planned volunteering events. But I attended courses on volunteering in the Nizhny Novgorod community. It was very informative! The main thing is to use new skills in practice.

4. Sport and self-development.

This semester, I started playing sports productively. I practice various cardio workouts. This is a benefit not only for the figure, but also for health!

Also for the estate of free time, I took up self-development! I found an interesting blog of a girl who motivates people to reach heights! She’s from New York. We are our thoughts! And they are material! Work on yourself, on your thoughts and everything will work out!

5. Family, friends, acquaintances.

Thanks to self-isolation, I managed this goal perfectly! I spend more time with my family and friends, because we are all in the same city again. This is undoubtedly a plus of the quarantine!

At the end of 2 semester, I can say that I have improved my knowledge and skills. I became more confident, grew up, and changed my mind about some things. But everything that changes. all for the best!



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

Hello! I’m a student of LUNN. Here I’ll post useful and relevant information, interesting articles and materials. Read and enjoy! I hope you will like it!