The road to El Dorado or fascinating English

Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2019

This cartoon is one of my favorite since childhood. Several times I watched it in Russian, and now in English.

This is a kind and positive story about two friends who went in search of gold and adventure. It is impossible to retell the whole plot of the cartoon, because there are a lot of characters and twists in the course of history. But one thing is for sure — be sure to see this masterpiece. Cartoon captivates from the first seconds of its colorful landscapes, wonderful animation, great humor. Musical accompaniment — it is divine! Especially when it is performed by the outstanding Elton John! Until now, these songs sound in my head and heart. I’m thrilled. The storyline is simple and clear, and no less pleasant.

There are Tulio and Miguel, bosom ‘partners-in-crime’, adventurous, who show their differences among themselves throughout the series and , but still maintain a friendship.

Tulio and Miguel
Tzekel-Kan and the leader
Cortes and Altivo

There are Chel, fatal beauty, a realist that knows what she wants. And Tzekel-Kan, the villain who you want to sympathize with, Cortes and dobrodey leader. It is impossible not to mention Altivo, unreal charismatic and humorous horse. Everyone will find here the future favorite character.

Definitely recommend to all this movie. And to interest you more, I will tell you about one of the main characters — Miguel.

Miguel is Tulio’s friend and cheating partner. He’s blond with green eyes and a mustache. He is a man of athletic build, dressed in a red shirt and brown pants. Sunny, friendly and adventurous lover of adventure, not parting with the guitar. Unlike his partner, Miguel is more sensitive and less greedy for money, he values human life very much. Due to differences in character with Tulio, their developing friendship will be tested by the end of the film. Let me tell you a little secret, only one will pass this test. I think you guessed who.

Initially, Miguel and Tulio do not part, always support each other, but once in El Dorado, but in El Dorado, where they came largely thanks to reverie and optimism Miguel, their friendship is breaking apart. Tulio only interested in money and Chel, and Miguel falls in love with El Dorado and its inhabitants. He doesn’t want to leave here, despite his homesickness.

Throughout the film, we get to know Miguel more and more. Each scene reveals him as a kind and intelligent man. Thanks to the actors for unsurpassed voice acting of the hero. In the finale, Miguel literally sacrifices his dream and his desires for the sake of a friend, that further captivates the viewer.

In my opinion, the history of Miguel’s formation is the longest and most interesting. from a simple crook he turned into a real man. Well, no wonder the halo shines over him when he flies in the final. Yes, he flies! Believe me, this character will appeal to you as well as Jack Sparrow or Cat in boots.

The road to El Dorado is a very colorful, interesting, easy, beautiful, funny and insanely bright movie! And of course this is a great way to pump your English, if you watch this movie in a foreign language. For example, you will learn that:

  1. divinity — божественность
  2. to bestow — даровать
  3. You’re broke! — Ты разорён! Ты на мели!
  4. fate — судьба
  5. peewee- крошка
  6. to impugn — оспаривать
  7. honor is American, honour — British
  8. braggart — хвастун
  9. heathen — дикарь
  10. outta here — отсюда
  11. Just hang on! —Ты только держись!
  12. Have you lost your mind? — Ты сошёл с ума?
  13. consolation — утешение
  14. awesome — устрашающий
  15. beg for mercy — молить о пощаде
  16. Shake on it. — Пожмём руки.
  17. Go ahead. — Идти напролом.
  18. Let’s have a look! — Давайте посмотрим!
  19. If you are a beginner, then enter all the words of Cortes and the priest in your dictionary too.



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

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