The USA. “A” states. Part 1.

Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
6 min readSep 30, 2019

Hello! Now I want to tell you about some states of the USA. About those that begin with the letter A. There are 4 such states. In this post I tell you about two: Alabama and Alaska. Let’s go!

The first one is Alabama.

The name of the state comes from the Alabama tribe, which currently lives in Texas. The state is located in the southeastern United States. Alabama is 30th in the United States in terms of total area and 2nd in the number of inland waterways. The state capital is Montgomery. The official nickname is”Heart of the South.” There are also several others: “Heart of Dixie,” “Oatmeal State,” “ Cotton State”. The motto of the state:We dare defend our rights( Latin: Audemus jura nostra defendere).

The flag of Alabama

Geography and nature.

About three quarters of the state is occupied by a plain with a general descent to the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi River. About 67% of the state is covered by forests. One of the most beautiful US rivers, the Kahaba, flows through the state. Alabama is located in tropical cyclones and hurricanes. Along with Kansas, Alabama has the largest number of F5 tornadoes.

the Cahaba River

Interesting facts and landmarks.

  1. Alabama is a large industrial, historical and cultural region with a well-developed infrastructure. The region is proud of its fascinating and confusing history. Its territory also has many different landscapes, which begin at the spurs of the Appalachian mountains, and extend to the subtropical coast of the Gulf of Mexico.
  2. Dauphin Island is the main attraction of Alabama. Here you can see several bird reserves.
Dauphin Island

3. Modern Alabama has inherited pre-war architecture, which many tourists come to see. The oldest carnival in the USA is Mardi Gras held in Alabama, for the sake of this event thousands of travelers come. Therefore, in this state you can always meet tourists from other countries.

4. Incredible interest is the city of Birmingham. His hallmark is a huge cast-iron statue of the Volcano — the blacksmith God, the God of fire. Around the monument is a magnificent park complex. The Volcano Museum operates on its territory, visiting which you can learn a lot of interesting things about the history and development of the city. ,

the God of fire

5. Great attention is drawn to the famous US Space Center, located in the city of Huntsville. Inside is a large theme museum. Here you can learn a lot about the development of American space, the production and testing of rockets.

US Space Center

6. Hank William Museum located in Montgomery gained great fame in Alabama. The museum’s exposition and its many exhibits are dedicated to the life and work of the famous American singer — country performer.

7. A unique miniature “Ave Maria Grotto” was created in the city of Callman. It is a tiny town that has gathered on its territory several dozen of the most famous buildings in the world. Among them are the Leaning Tower of Pisa, ancient castles, Roman monasteries, the Alamo Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica and many others.

“Ave Maria Grotto”

8. One of Alabama’s most scenic spots is its Little River Canyon Nature Reserve. It affects the diversity of animal and plant life. Of great interest is the natural monument “Russell’s Cave.” No less exciting is a trip to the crater of the volcano Vetumpka.

Little River Canyon


  1. The famous resorts of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, which so attract extreme sports and beach lovers, are here!
  2. Alabama is the birthplace of the famous American singer Hank Williams, as well as the famous football coach bir Bryant.
Hank Williams

3. The locals call Alabama “The state of the Oatmeal”. It is known that Confederate soldiers, during the Civil war, sewed to his uniform small yellow patches, resembling the wings of oatmeal. Hence the name of the state.

4. Alabama residents never get tired of discussing such popular topics as racing and football!)

Let’s go to Alabama!

The second state is Alaska.

The name comes from Aleutian alaskan — “whale spot”, “whale abundance”.

The most northern and largest in the US state. It is located in the northwest of North America. It has a maritime border with Russia in the Bering Strait. The state capital is Juneau. The nickname is ”The Last Frontier”. The motto of the state: North to the Future.

The flag of Alaska

Geography and nature.

The state in the west borders with the Russian Federation, in the east with Canada. It consists of several islands and mainland. Here is the highest mountain in North America, McKinley (6194 m). The southern part of the state is covered by forests, in the northern part — by the tundra. There are several active volcanoes.

Interesting facts and landmarks.

  1. Alaska is the most multinational American state. On its territory live: the British, Germans, Norwegians, Scots, Irish and French. As well as the northern peoples — Eskimos, Inuipaks and Aleuts.
  2. Alaska’s main attraction is nature. Sky blue glaciers, mysterious fjords, forests, lakes, 300-meter waterfalls.

3. The hallmark of Alaska is the large Denali National Park. It is located at the very top of Mount McKinley. Denali is a favorite place for tourists, attracting with a variety of landscapes and an amazing variety of wildlife.

4. Mysterious Skagway — a city from the novels of Jack London. Local Aborigines claim that it is from here that the path to the famous Bely Pass begins, the road to the Yukon treasures. In addition, the city provides an opportunity to make an unforgettable trip to the ghostly city of Daya, as well as to follow the famous golden route.


5. Right on the Pacific coast, the small town of Sitka was sheltered. The Americans call it “the Russian capital”. The city is located on the small island of Baranova. It is a “green oasis”, “an island of wildlife.” From all sides it is surrounded by mighty mountain ranges covered with dense forests. The center of the island is crowned by a large extinct volcano.



  1. The Alaska flag was invented by a thirteen-year-old boy in 1927.
  2. Alaska has several very unusual laws. For example, to shoot bears here is quite legal, but to wake up in order to take pictures is by no means possible. Interestingly protected and moose. There is a law prohibiting the release of moose from an airplane. In addition, you can not drink them with alcoholic beverages.
  3. In this state there is a city whose mayor is the huge cat Stubbs.
cat Stubbs

Go to Alaska!


Read about Arizona and Arkansas in “The USA. “A” states. Part 2.”

Read about other states in next stories.



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

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