Three Communication Codes in American Business

Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2021

Hello! Let’s continue the conversation about business communication. We know the general rules of interaction with business partners, but in addition to general recommendations, there are special features in the communication of different cultures. And today I want to tell you about three communication codes in American business that will help you do busines in the USA. Let’s start!

  1. Small Talk

Americans make small talks with everybody. Small talk is a casual conversation on abstract topics. With the help of such conversations, you can also get to know people. But be careful when an American boss tells you: “Hey, call me Ben!”. It doesn’t mean that now he is your friend, he only doesn’t whan’t you to call him Mr. Johnson because it’t too formal, even in busines. Usually business partners and colleagues address each other by their first name. But still, it is better to first make sure that the interlocutor doesn’t mind putting names and titles on the back burner.

2. Interruption

Since childhood, we were taught that interrupting is bad. In doing business with the Americans, the opposite is true. Interrupting is quite normal, but start with words “let me ask you a question” to appear more polite.

3. “Let’s cut to the chase and get to the point”

These 2 phrases mean go to the essential message. Everyone heard the phrase: time is money. So not only you value your time, your American business partners also don’t want to waste their time. Try to clearly formulate your thoughts and speak to the point at conferences and other speeches, don’t tell everything that is on your mind, concentrate on what will be interesting to the audience.

Remember these codes and you will easily find a common business language with the Americans!



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

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