Typical Everyday life of a Russian and American student.

Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2019

Hello! It’s November. The height of the school year. So I decided to compare the everyday life of an American and a Russian student. I’m not going to compare the schedule, but only briefly compare them. Besides, I’m not going to find out whose life is more interesting and better. It’s everyone’s choice. Let’s go!

American university
Russian university


  • The weekday of a Russian student in large cities usually starts at 6 in the morning. In an hour, a person manages to take a shower, eat, get himself going, get dressed, and make up. After that, the student takes the bus and goes to the university. Usually the journey to it takes from 30 minutes to an hour. Around 8 classes begin.
  • The morning of an American student is not much different. Americans start their day right — with spor exercises. Classes in the US usually start later — at 9. The distance from home to the University is also less. That’s why students get up around 7: 30. The daily morning chores are the same. Unless Americans bother less about their appearance. Therefore, they can often be seen in atypical clothes for a Russian student.


  • Classes in Russia last two times of 45 minutes or an hour and a half. Between them, a break of about 15 minutes. In day can be from one classes until five. Each student teaches subjects corresponding to the direction which he chose. Classes are divided into 2 types: lectures and seminars. And they can lead different teachers. At the end of the semester, you pass the test or exam in subjects.
  • Student classes in the United States have several differences. First, they don’t have an exact time. Each subject has its own time. Also, on one subject there are 2–3 current and 1 final exam. Thus, the American student passes more exams. Also in the United States, as well as in Russia, students have an irregular schedule. So in one day can be all classes. and in the other only one. The main difference between the American system and the Russian, in my opinion, is that every year you can change your major (main direction, subject) and specialty. That is, a person began to study law, then changed his mind and became a biologist, then a veterinarian, and in the end matured into an economist. And it’s normal!

After hours

After hours, some students from both countries work. Some by profession, some not. Others after university go home. Usually, Russian students still walk, and Americans go to the library. This is a common occurrence. Everyone does their homework or self-development. Many students attend parties.


  • American students spend their evenings at work or homework. The American education system involves many hours of homework. Later, students play sports, check social networks and then go to sleep.
  • Russian students often devote their evenings to themselves. They walk, read, play sports, communicate with friends. They go to sleep late.

Here is a typical day of students of two big countries. Do they differ much? Who do you think is better?



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

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